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Parameter question

Discussion in 'Sketchup Help' started by frankrcfc, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. frankrcfc

    frankrcfc New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Battle Creek, Mi
    I am doing a monoblock fuse plane (my own design) The epp is 1 1/2" thick. How do I write it on the parameter pop up in Sketchup? I tried putting 1.5 in the parameter box and then did a dry run with Mach. The plunger went to -2.100 Thanks for any help. As a matter of fact will the bit go to 1.5" inches safely?
  2. gasmasher

    gasmasher New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Atlanta, GA
    Sounds like a PS bug Frank and I had the same results here. I'm looking into it now.
  3. Thewz

    Thewz Moderator

    Trophy Points:
    Temecula, CA
    Hi Frank,

    I think 1.5" is the published max Z travel. I've cut 1" without issue. You should try it on a scrap piece of 1.5".

    By the way you can edit the .CNC file with a any text editor. Open the file and use the edit menue to select "Replace" then type in Z -2.100 in the "find what" and Z-1.500 in the Replace field then select "Replace All". Should work fine, I've used it before without issue.
  4. gasmasher

    gasmasher New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Atlanta, GA
    Geez, I didn't even think this one through before posting. The 2.1 is because of the extra depth added for inside and outside cuts on wavy blue FFF to make sure the bit penetrates. The script is currently using 140% (it's in the constants.rb file) so 1.5" * 140% = 2.1".

    Thewz tip on replacing the cut depth is right on and should work fine. The 140% factor only affects the inside and outside cut tool lines.
  5. frankrcfc

    frankrcfc New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Battle Creek, Mi
    HA! Thank you both ;) . I am so used to keeping with the norm I don't consider those corrections or adjustments when I do other than the default settings for FF. Maybe I'll just double up on some FF. Testing this design anyway. Thanks again guys.
  6. Flashsolutions

    Flashsolutions Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Leesburg, Florida
    There is an open ticket on this which was moved to the enhancements category. Not all of us cut just FFF. The assumption from the start has been that there has to be a fudge factor for wavy foam.

    Block foam as well as Depron do not have the same characteristics as FFF. They are both flat. Many of us use 1/16" bits to cut our foam. These bits have a much shorter cutting surface, barely enough to clear the depth of a sheet of Depron or FFF foam. If the shank from the bit gets into the foam, it heats the bit up and the next thing that happens is the foam melts onto the bit, potentially ruining a $10 sheet of material.

    That is why I asked for a parameter to be added to the menu to allow the fudge factor to be set at run time.

    It would allow us to switch from one bit to another as we cut different materials.

    And yes, it is true that you can edit the gcode with a text editor to make the cut depth precise, but the purpose of the phlatscript is for it to do it for you. We should not have to resort to editing the gcode.

    I hope this will be moved up in priority for the next release.

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