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R/C videos I did for the Club

Discussion in 'General Talk Forum' started by rcav8r, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    While discussing video editing software in another forum, it reminded me of these videos I did a few years back. And here they are. I did then to try and help promote the club at the local hobby shop. They weren't too interested....

    1st one I like the best, but my focus group ( a few guys from the club) said it was too fast , so I made the second one. As the local hobby shop wasn't too interested in them, I never added credits so they just kind of end. Attached files ARCSChainLightening.wmv (13.1 MB)Â ARCSmedYYZ.wmv (10.8 MB)Â
  2. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Nice work Dave! This came out great. I have to give that program a try
    Did you have a lot of pictures for the first part and it strings them together to the beat?
    Thank you for sharing these you guys have some AWESOME planes at your field!
    Mark and Trish
  3. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    Thanks guys... Yes I had a lot of pictures that I just "plugged in" so to speak. The song is actually aviation related. ;-) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YYZ_%28instrumental%29

    The first draft of the opening sequence was cut to the mores code, but it looked WAY too choppy, so I just picked a down beat and went with that. The software shows you a oscilloscope representation of the audio, so it was really easy to just plug in using the display of the audio. Don't know if you noticed, but a lot of maneuvers ( including the crash) are backed timed to occur on a musical event, so to speak. Really easy, just line up the first frame of the video with the audio event, and hope you have enough pad at the beginning and end of the video to fill some time. For example for the crash of the yellow plane, I wanted the plane to hit on the cymbal crash. I lined up the frame of the video just before the pane hits to the visual of the cymbal crash in the audio. I then select the start point for the scene, by ending the previous scene where I wanted, and it back timed the start, so the plane crashed on the cymbal crash. There are also 2 teaser cymbal crashes in there right before the plane crash, and I set up the scene to make the viewer think nothing special was gonna happen on the 3rd crash... well that was my plan :)

    Another example of the many in there is where I am flying that Purple and white plane, and it does a stutter roll as it's pulling out of a hover. It just so happened it was really close to the bass notes, so I backed timed it the same way.

    Fun stuff for sure.
  4. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

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    New Jersey
    Hey, I recognize one of those pics :) I think you did a great job on the videos. Your local hobby shop is missing out! I do have to agree with your focus group...the first video was a little fast but the second one was right on!

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