What an awesome Christmas guys! Lets see some of the stuff you guys got for Christmas this year! Mark and Trish
Lessee - I got a Bosch Cordless Oscillating Tool And a pair of Stanley LED tripod flashlights And my Mini-lathe from Micromark (birthday / Christmas gift) And a really cool PhlatPrinter Coffee mug (image not available) And a really nice gift card from a couple of very special people! Did I mention I've been spoiled silly this year? (Don't tell nobody, okay?) What did you get Mark? And you too, Trish?
Yeah, I never get anything, but that is not what Christmas is about to me, I gave quite a few gifts. My parents are retired on a fixed income and both my sisters fight just to buy for their family. I am happy with this Christmas overall.
I got heartburn! I also got new shoes and lots of clothes from my wife and my son got me a new cordless drill and some crazy genius wooden sphere brain teaser puzzle thingy which is really making my head hurt, and a stack of FFF from myself and some other really nice things from some really nice friends. :mrgreen: After what I went thru this past year, I was just real happy to be here to spend another Christmas with my family. I was blessed this year.
Having the chance to spend time with the family was the greatest. Things are so crazy busy in today's world, that it is really is a shame we don't get the chance for family gatherings like we used to. Its so nice that Christmas gives us the opportunity to stop and reflect on all the blessings we have, and the greatest gift of all salvation. Trish has been needing a computer desk so that was her main gift and she loves it We put it together last night. My main gift was a Wacom pen tablet and an airbrush kit I think I am being forced to become an artist! LOL We are super happy! For us, watching the kids light up when they open a gift is priceless Mark and Trish p.s. Dennis that is too cool! and that is why we had to send you one of these
"Now, where is that Phlat coffee cup?" I hadn't even noticed Real slick Dorsal... "Now where is that new Balsa Buddy?"
This CHRISTmas was one that I won't be forgetting anytime soon! Normally, I really don't get much of anything (and that's actually what I prefer), but I can almost always count on a cool "something" from my son, James (he's the only one in my family that "gets" me LOL). My son and I are both kinda nuts over "4 Wheeling" with each of us owning 1997 Jeep Wranglers. He's recently got back into the RC Car stuff, with the "Rockcrawler" type of vehicle as his primary focus. I've been itching to get into this, as well, but just haven't had the $250 at my disposal to get a "starter" vehicle for myself. Anyway, I was able to pull off getting him what he wanted - a Losi Mini Rockcrawler. Imagine his eyes when he opened his gift! LOL Now imagine MY eyes when I opened my gift from him - THE SAME THING!!! Needless to say, we spent the whole afternoon "crawling" over every obstacle we could. LOL Sofa cushions, the ottoman, dining room chairs, coffee tables - nothing was spared in our "off-road" adventures! LOL Other booty: A "You shouldn't have!" package from some real sweet folks in New Jersey A new headset for my iPhone (very much needed, too) An iTunes Gift Card (an always welcomed treat) And, finally, something requiring an E-Flite Park 450 Outrunner from a dude named "Guido" That last item hasn't been received yet. All I know about it is that I received a rather mysterious email from a fellow saying that something was on it's way a few days after CHRISTmas. While I haven't been able to put too much together from the scant clues I've been given, I'm thinking the San Joaquin County Mafia is involved and there's either a hit out on me involving some nasty use of RC Aircraft, or there's a Mini UltraStick on the way for my enjoyment. Either way, I'll let everyone know on a future installment of TheCrashCast. Attached files
Santa brought what I've been wanting for a year and a half now... Merry Christmas everyone! Attached files
Hi Mark and Trish, The best gifts I got this year was watching my kids rip through the wrapping paper and run around playing. Then they relize that Mom and Dad havn't opened anything and they start to hand us our gifts...they were so sweet! I had a wonderful diner with my family and my wifes family. In the end I wound up with wonderful memories and...... An XBOX 360..... (My mom and dad sent it to me....my little bro "urged" my father to get it for me) I also got some great tools (Dremel accessories and a new Craftsman NEXTEC)
A 360, Matt? SCORE!!! LOL My son bought his little sisters a Wii and, naturally, I've commandeered it. LOL
Yup....I feel a little guilty about it.....I really don't have time to play with it. The kids love it too so it'll get good use. They've also got a Wii....they got that last year for Christmas. At least they have to jump around while using the Wii.... P.S. I need to get some video of my big CNC in action. All I've cut so far is the dust collector....man oh man do you need one of these.....
Glad to hear everyone had a good Chrismas! Like Mark said, I got a new computer desk. It's awesome! It has a built in file drawer, a drawer for stuff, two cubby holes, a place for the printer, and way more room than I had before. It's really cool. I got a Lowes gift card , I also got a new pot and pan set, new set of steak knives (ceramic coated), a new snuggly blanket, paper shredder.. It was a great Christmas and everything came together in the end. It always does. The snow storm the weekend before really made you wonder how it was all going to get done (the cooking, cleaning, shopping, decorating) but it all worked out. Attached files