Hey guyz, Here is a nice VERY easy to use host (3d printer control) software written by wuflnor We found this one a while back but up until the other day did not have a chance to try it out. Its working great sofar and its simplicitly really makes it shine. YARRH (say it like a pirate ) stands for Yet Another RepRap Host Check the web site for the latest versions here: https://github.com/wuflnor/YARRH/downloads Download YARRH here: This is my new personal favorite at the moment. There are a lot of new ones popping up all the time so hopefully we can populate the board with more. Attached files yarrh_v0.1.7.exe (3.7 MB)Â
Just a heads up guys I am not sure yet if its my board or the gcode, but at the end of the part creation the machines heaters (bed and extruder hot end) are not turning off like they should. I see that Jovian has tried it and run into the same issue. This is a new program to us so it may just be as simple as a setting we did not check. pezzer2003 are you having the same problem? Thanks Mark and Trish
Thanks pezzer2003 I will check and see why its doing this. In the meantime I have gone back to my old favorite, Repetier If you have not tried Repetier you may want to give it a go. viewtopic.php?f=313&t=7465&start=0 Mark and Trish
Cool. I did three test prints tonight and Each time the nozzle turned off but not the bed as that is how i have set up the gcode in sli3r. Might give Repetier a go tomorrow.. PEZ
I knew you would Bro If your reading this thread you may want to give the Repetier controller a try. viewtopic.php?f=313&t=7465&start=0
Hi, Wulfnor here, author of yarrh. Yarrh doesnt manage heaters in any way. All setting temperatures is done from gcode, and slic3r setting. All user can do is set temperature from UI, but it wont be automaticly turned off after finishing print, unless there is a specific gcode at end of the file. In my case im using start, and end gcodes in slicer: start: [pre] M104 S0 ;Cancel the M104 set by Slic3r M140 S100 ;Start heating the bed up G28 ; home all axes M84 ;Disable all steppers M84 S30 ;Set stepper timeout to 30 seconds M190 S100 ;Set bed temperature and wait M140 S110 ;Set bed temperature but continue with the gcode end: M140 S0 ;Turn heated bed off M104 S0 ;Turn nozzle heat off G0 F15000.000 X0 Y180 M84 ;Disable steppers so they dont get hot during idling... M84 S0 ;Cancel the timeout set by the start gcode [/pre] As you can see there are gcodes for turning heaters off. I also released version 0.1.9 of yarrh, it has some bugfixes and also macro functionality for making push buttons that will send specific gcodes. Cheers