Cant seem to get it to work, I followed mach3 quickstart guide & went thru crash's build log for the mark1 but still no go, is there a more detailed setup guide someone can link me. My machine works just fine with emc2 so I know there is nothing wrong with it, I must be doing something wrong in the mach3 configs.
Didn't the vids that you got with the MK1 have Mark showing how to set up Mach? They helped me tremendously in the beginning.
Never got a dvd, i used the vids from the phlatboyz site and they seem to be gone now- There was link there to the vids, been so long just dont remember, still have my password tho-
Oh. I think I saw where Mark would send you a dvd in a previous post somewhere. Those vids are the best way to go for setting it up.
Fred, Just now saw this post Sorry we had to take down the old ones as Motion box kept raising their prices on us, so we opted to go the DVD route. We will get them in the mail to you ASAP Thank you Mark and Trish
Well I just wouldnt give up, stayed up till 3:30 this mornin and finally got it up and working. Fnally figured out the prob was with windows, never did figure exactly what but after a clean install of windows & mach3 did it. Nice job on the mach3 phlatscreen by the way, I really like it! Prob not the last time Im going to have to reinstall so that dvd would still be nice to have. I used the oldladys CC when I bought my phlatty, so my addy should be under Venus Wilson- Thanks Mark!