Hi I've cut a few kits out on my phlatprinter, but have just recently started making them to sell. Im noticing some skew taking place that messes up some large pieces. If I were building it I wouldnt mind but they have to be perfect and repeatable to sell. It seems to always shift the same direction but by varying amounts. It returns to zero at a different x and y position just air cutting(bit all the way down out of the foam). Im not sure where to look to fix the problem. Also, what kind of tolerances do most use for where parts fit together? Im using 3mm depron which is actually about 2.8mm and thats what Im making my slots. They fit snug. Just wondering what most use. Thanks
It won't come back to the same home spot on the foam. If the calibration is off, won't it just make the pieces the wrong size. If it off, it will be off both left and right so it will come back to the same start.
Sounds like some missed steps somewhere. Strange it is both axises Have you tried one axis at a time?
It's not necessarily both axis. The foam seems to be skewing making it angled and ending up off of where it started. I don't know where to start looking for a solution. I will try just the x axis to confirm it is a skewing problem.
I might have said it wrong in my first post. I believe both axis are finishing in the same spot but the foam isn't in the same spot.
Ahh, different story there, i did the spring tension mod for the top roller, some people put sand or lead shot inside their top roller to give it more pressure, that should stop your skewing issue on regular fan fold foam/depron. For EPP you you have a whole different problem, i had to tape on strips of fan fold foam along the sides to give the rollers a stiffer medium to grab hold of.