helo evrybody. I'm glad to discovered forum..hihihi.thanks phlatforum i use a cutting laser mini in work.but i use build aiplane rc this is horn,...uhmmmm....some timber off cuts this is my drawing horn http://www.mediafire.com/?v4jd6ghic98s235 thanks
Welcome to the Phlatforum kopbikat Thank you for sharing your control horn drawing with us, very cool. Just so you know for future reference, we try to save this area(free plans) for plans that are complete and ready to cut out on the Phlatprinter, using SketchUcam to assign the tools paths. This makes it great for everyone that is searching for something to cut and the files are there ready to download and cut. We have an area for files like DXF,PDF,JPG,etc.. that still need the SketchUcam tool paths added to them here: http://www.phlatforum.com/viewforum.php?f=219&start=0 under the Free plans to Upgrade(upgraded means ready to cut) Guyz can search through there as well and work them up with tool paths, then we can bring them into the main free plans section. Just trying to keep it organized so that its a little easier for everyone who is looking to download a project and cut it out. I went ahead and worked it up for 1/16" thick material with 1/16th bit. I have not tried to cut it out yet but it looks like it would work fine. If someone cuts it let us know how it goes please. Thanks again kopbikat Mark and Trish Attached files KKControl Horn.cnc (1.8 MB)Â Kopbikat Control Horn.skp (1.3 MB)Â
thanks 7up. I like your drawing airplan :d @kram242 : thanks kram. I trying to apply this sketup :d. .hihi.i really share my drawing . my laser machine read file dfx,because I often use DFX,and I'm gona adjust sketup-DFX