I download a BiPi cnc file from the forum, and this my first atempt at cutting a file. I used fanfold and it didn't cut all the way through. Since I am really new, what did I miss?? Ken
Yoram, Thanks for the repsonse, what I did was set Z just below the top of the printer. But what I think you saying is to set the top of the bit on the top surface of the foam to be cut, is that correct of are you saying pllace the bit so that it touches the bottom of the piece being cut. Ken
Yoram, Thnnk you, i will look forward to testing that tomorrow. By the way,have have you done anything to muffle the high rpm sound tht resinates from the enclosure? Ken
Seeings how you have a MK1 you want the bit to just touch the bottom of the foam (closest to the table top). As far as sound, Meistertech made something called the Cone of Silence. Check it out here viewtopic.php?f=107&t=259&start=0&hilit=cone+of+silence