Just want to introduce to you a new product that became available today. I and two other partners have been in negotiation with a foam extruding company to produce what amounts to be white, skinless, without perforations and waves FFF material specifically for our modeling community. I am pleased to introduce to you Model Plane Foam Inc. first product. - 6mm nominal thickness - 24" x 48" sheet size - 2.0 PCF - White in color - 16 sheet case orders - $50 per case + shipping Material can be ordered at www.modelplanefoam.com Attached files
It is one box per address this week only. We are trying to get as out the the maximum number of customers on this first run of material. Next Wednesday the quantity limit will be removed and no shipping error will show up. It should have been there on the website as you stated Shaun. Thank you, Attached files
Has anyone tried ordering a batch from the company that makes the readiboard? They sell the stuff without the paper... They also have a link to the dow bluecore http://www.adamsplasticsinc.com/index.p ... d-products
Yea, i went back and read the rcgroups thread....i guess you need the middleman to break down the adams minimum order... Or make one order from adams, rent a storage shed and spend the rest of your life cutting.
The foam is good quality. I purchased a box of it and have cut several planes out from it already. It is not quite as brittle as Depron, so it can benefit from carbon fiber strengthening. It a far cry better than FFF and paints nicely! It is a good value even when you factor in the shipping.
Well, i tried to cut my first plane from this stuff on my flatbed router and I have a major problem that I have run into. It does cut very nice but.........without a skin on either side it is not near as stiff as FFF. The bit will cause a deflection on the piece that I was cutting and you can see the entire sheet shift around once you start finishing pieces out of the board. The piece would then "spring" back once it started cutting on a different axis causing a noticeable notch in the part. The only way to solve this problem that I can see is to make a vacuum attachment for my flatbed that locks the foam in place, I am working on a modular system that will be expandable to whatever size table you have. I will post it up once I have it figured out so other people can use it.
Here is a beta version that I am working on made from 1 1/2" blue foam. Each piece is 12 inches square that you just tape or glue together to make the size you need, I have 1/4 of the picture covered with 1/4" fan fold foam as an example for the bottom. I am hoping it is strong enough for simple foam jobs being that the thinnest part is 1 inch thick. Do you guys think this will work? I am open to suggestions as always Attached files
$65.00 for 16 sheets? :roll: I better stick to FFF and DT, I leave the skin on anyway and enjoy painting my planes. Looks like fine material though.
Jeff, did you try to slow the feed rate down? I don't know how this foam works with the bit, as in 'does it melt', but the symptoms that you've described are typical of high feed rate. With the DT foam you have to have the rate high otherwise the foam melts and sticks to the router bit, with this foam too? I read that this foam is made by the same company that makes the DT foam I just don't know if it is the same material, just thicker. BTW, what is it that you are making with these squares? @Buk, I reacted the same way as you! I don't get FFF here in SoCal so I stick to DT foam, which I can get in other dollar store too, btw.