I have made about 200 of this (by hands) for primary school kids, they were doing the final job on polystyrene trays using plastic knives. Not always good looking results but always good flying performances. Finally I have made the cuts from phlatprinter both based on 3,5 mm and 6,2 mm depron (thickness +/-). If you like them just scale the wing and tailplane thickness to suit your material. Balance is obtaines with one or two euro cents. Thanks to Guillermo of the Argentina Escuela de Aeromodelismo for sharing the plan pics. Carlo, third Italian Phlatboy (... not so phlat to be honest) Attached files cortito022.skp (319.2 KB)Â cortito026.skp (315.5 KB)Â
Those are pretty cool. I'll have to make a few for my son and his friends. That incidence on the tail sure looks a little excessive
You are right, it looks a little excessive but it helps due to the short fuselage anyway a few kids reported the model was flying well even without tail
Thank you Guillermo of the Argentina Escuela de Aeromodelismo and actaline for sharing this. Very cool!
Changed the nose weight to 2 us cents and adjusted their location for CG. Also added detents to the wings to hold them on center. This one is a great flier... my wife's favorite so far ... we will see which is the Grandkids favorite tomorrow. We cut a few for a mass launch. see viewtopic.php?f=147&t=6495 Attached files cortitoUSFF.cnc (14.4 KB)Â cortitoUSFF.skp (255.2 KB)Â
Very cool WM! Had to see what it looks like in 3D Great job, thank you for sharing this Mark and Trish Attached files