Hi all, new member and first post here. First off, thank you for some awsome software. Just built my first diy 3 axis machine and got it running with sketchup and your plugin. Great feeling seeing my first cut. My problem is......x and y do exactly what they should, and z does too except that Im not sure how to control the depth of a cut and the coordinates are not matching up with the depth of material I select. Such as if i select in parameters 13.5 for material thickness it actually comes up as z-18.9 in my gcode. This is my first venture into any kind of cnc whatsoever, so I may be missing something very simple. thanks ahead of time for any insight Tim
To elaborate, using the default 6.3 thickness and making a simple square, my Z axis coordinates in the gcode come out as -8.890 depth. Ty again, Tim
Tim, welcome to the forum. The -18.9mm is not an error. If you look at the parameter box you'll see that there is a place where it says 'In/Outside Overcut %'. The default is 140% which is 18.9mm on an original 13.5mm. I have mine set to 110% when I cut foam and 102% when I cut wood.