Started another plane... as if I did not have enough. It is a foam copy of the popular Carl Goldberg "Jr. Tiger". This one is all hand cut, sorry no phlatprinter on this one. Just about ready for it's first attempt at flight, Balancing and taxi testing first and if the weather continues to be nice... The maiden flight. Mudman1959 Attached files umVB/converted_files/33094=13638-100_0666.JPG">
Nice job mudman. Cutting all of those parts by hand must have been a labor of love. Hope it flies as good as it looks! Mark and Trish
Beautiful work Lee! This is going to be a great flying plane just by the looks of it. Great job bro Mark and Trish
Looks good. Once of the best flying planes I had was an old Tiger II. Kit, not the ARF. The ARF weighed too much and was VERY noticeable when comparing the way they 2 of them flew. I always wanted to do an electric specific one.
Man, after seeing these pics I so have to find a place where I can use a plane with wheels. :girl_cray2: I can't believe you've cut this all by hand. Talk about masochism. Did you find it to weigh any less than the all balsa one? I take it it was less expensive, though.
NOt sure of the WS on this one; what is it? I know from my experience, that I hit a point of diminishing returns for foam/vs traditional construction weight wise. I built a Kadet Sr. from foam, and the empty fuse is HEAVY. About twice as I can build from balsa; and this was before I glassed/painted it like I had planned. I abandoned the foam one, and hope to have a wooden one ready this season. Cheaper and easier, yep foam wins..... but not necessarily when it comes to weight.
I remember my Old wood "Jr. Tiger" and it was heavy with the engine and gas tank and the large servos back then. This one is not too bad... I have not weighed it yet so we will see. I had to add about 6 ounces of lead to the nose to make it balance. I started painting it and used a metal flake acrylic spray paint and it did not turn out the way I had hoped it would. So it is still on the build table until I can redo it a bit... Mudman1959
Glad to see I'm not the only one who had a problem with the metal flake paint. Mine went on OK, but darned if I could see any metal flake. I also had the same success (or lack there of) with chameleon paint, pearl, and neons...
AWESOME application of foam! Beautiful work. I love seeing a built-up balsa style done nicely in FFF. Great job!
Boy that came out nice. Final weight? What did ya sheet the wings with? Be sure to report back on the maiden
rcav8r... I have not taken it into work to weigh it yet.... Maybe tomorrow. The wing is sheeted with the white Dollar Tree foam board with the paper removed. As for the Maiden flight... well still waiting for that too. I have been so busy with work by the time I get home all I want to do is sit down. I have some days off coming up soon so maybe then. I'll have to get the camera hat out and get a video of it before, during and what might be left after... :nervous: Mudman1959