I quickly got sick of having to go back to the keyboard/mouse to adjust the bit position, reset my 0,0,0, coordinates, or just use the machines manually. The wireless keypads were ok (some of them) but most seemed to have either range problems, noise/interference problems, or just felt like they were not making a solid link all the time. I've been using a Targus PAUK10U usb keypad for a while now, and it seems very solid. It's about $18 and comes with two usb ports on it. Handy for plugging in that flash drive for a quick plans upload/download, or just quickly backing up your work. I usually use an 8' usb extension cable on it, but have used 16' extensions (two 8' extensions) with no problem. A side benefit to a wired remote is that you don't lose it! I currently have the x,y,z axis and home all keys programed, and stop. I'm looking to find out how to assign a hotkey from the keypad to control step, jog type, and a couple of other items. I may have to so that in a custom screen set, not sure now. Just thought I'd share this. John Attached files
John, I am very interested in this. I bought the exact same key pad when I bought my laptop, because it has a small keyboard without the numbers on the right. I havn't needed it, and thought I wasted my money. I never even thought about it, then reading this post, I dug it from the clutter on my bench, and there it is. I am waiting for the MKII, so I havn't really played with Mach yet. When I get going I will probably have a lot of questions for you. I am planning on mounting a monitor on the MKII, and hiding a computer in the bottom cabinet. If I could get away with not having a full keyboard hanging off the side of the MKII, that would be great. Jeff
Jeff, Right now it does the 6 basic moves and Home all to zero. When I figure out how to assign other hotkeys to it beyond those in the hotkey config screen, I pass on the info. I think some kind of keyboard remapper for the keypad on the pc rather than changing the screen .set file would probably be easier. The keypad is handy with just the axis movement keys though... John
I have a Kensington wireless keyboard with a wireless numeric keypad. It is made for a laptop computer so the keyboard is quite small and easy to carry around. I don't use the keypad much because there is no shift key on it to accelerate the axis movements. But since the keyboard is so small anyway, I end up using it most of the time.
I think, you set the Trigger # to the correct OEM code # under config-system hotkeys tab... Then you can set up a hotkey for the trigger# under config-ports & pins-input signals. You don't need to change the Screen. The OEM# list is herehttp://www.machsupport.com/MachCustomizeWiki/index.php?title=OEM_Buttons Cheers E-T
ET That did it! Thanks for the pointer! I always forget about the Mach wiki. The keypad now does everything I want it to by using the num lock/unlock. I just need to label all the keys so I remember what I have assigned to what key. I can now do away with the hotley mapper I was running in the background. Thanks again!
You guys I have been looking for a pendant of some sort for my MKII and this is the one that I am interested in the most. Unfortunately it's not wireless but man is it cool! I have heard of others using it for mach and they have even come up with a pdf you can print to label you buttons the way you like. Read more about it here http://ergo.contourdesign.com/products/ ... aspx?id=39 And a thread over at the Mach forum here http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php?topic=1220.0
Looks good! I like the fact that in simulates an MPG as well. From the Mach3 forum, it looks like the plug-in is almost ready to go to support this. I'll have to give it a try. Good find and great info!
Use a wireless gamepad and bind the buttons thru the software http://www.amazon.com/PS2-PS3-PC-2-4Ghz ... 074&sr=8-1