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Found a site with some cool aircrafts in Dxf/dwg format, i've downloaded everyone of them and put them in a .zip file for you if you want them....
gasmasher, I figuered it would be a bit late, posted it just as food for brain :) Anywho, just tested the multipass feature on my first...
Also the fastest way of converting metric to imperial i've found is using google. for example: type in "1mm in inch" and google calculator...
Firstly thanks alot for the new multipass feature, im looking forward to testing it on some ply tomorrow. Though i had an idea for the multipass...
I took the liberty of editing the .skp file, and i made it for 3mm depron, going to print it tomorrow morning and see how it works. Its for 3mm...
Thanks, actually i did remove the bottom section somewhat on the parts. just didnt get around to edit the representation of the plane. By removing...
Hehe, its something that started happening alot more often after we got the phlatprinter.. its just too cheap and too easy making new planes :P...
yup, working on it now :) ... also, im kinda used to bringing planes home in paper bags :P
I have tested it today, and well. It didnt work fly really well. Or rather. it flew and handled great, but that was when i removed the plate from...
Just thought i might say that someone has added to's list of sites. I suddenly realized this when i stumbled upon...
I must say, really thanks for the phlatscript :)
Thanks a lot for the reply Mark, you are really good at motivating :D i guess i will get to try it in a coupple of weeks, as we have schedueled...
Just finished a model, its more or less free fantasy and i dont really know how good it will be in the air. But im done with it at least, and its...
seems like a great plane iflyos.. Heres mine, hopefully im going to try printing it this week. Attached files 3mm depron...
This is what i got so far, and very unfinished, but i figure i should share it before i go to sleep :) ... Also i think the motor should be...
I found a site which sells the .40 lawmower, and i am working on a crude sketch of a similar design.. as Dorsal says, an autogyro would look...
Hehe, flymo mowers is terrible to mow the lawn with, at least the whole air strip... i think he wouldnt like to recieve one of those... and well...
Well i want a flying lawnmower plan, as one member of our rc-club has been the only one mowing our flying strip all (last)year. I thought it might...
Thanks for the quick reply. :) I've enhanced the length of the nose a bit, i've also changed the pontoons in height, i've also enlarged the tail...
oh yeah, I've made it for 3mm depron as that is what i have available.
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