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Nice to see the coverage.....:good::doubleup:
Well I'm finally thinking of getting a 3D printer. Was waiting for the technology to mature a bit, and it seems to have stabilized so to speak....
Heading across the pond for work and some pleasure. Will be posting pics to my twitter account if your interested. It's @rcav8r Hop to "see"... build one of these... Man if I knew how to use an airbrush... OK, I know how, just can't ;-) Attached files [img]
Anyone have anyone they know in the Olympics? We do. A good friend of my daughter's best friend's sister ( not too far removed :D ) is on the...
It seems like it's been a slow "news" day here, and apparently it is locally too as the local news channel posted some coaster videos as lead...
I don't think there is anyone in the R/C world who doesn't know about the TwinCargo... Well that's what I though until I took the plane out to the...
Not exactly CNC, but really cool none the less... I think I'll have to try this. ... iy-project
Here's a video a buddy shot over the weekend of my converted Kougar. Flew it for about 5 years as glow... It sat for about 5- 6 years. I finally...
I remember someone on here who plays the bagpipes, but I forget who :oops: So, in this video, what is the name of the instrument that the guy...
OK, this may be old hat to some of you, but this is the first time I have seen anything like this. My buddy showed up at the field with one...
OK, I'm working on a "top secrete" project. It comprises of screen shots to show how a process is done. I recorded the screen action with...
A couple went to an air show. They came across a really cool biplane. The man was dying to take a ride, so he asked the pilot how much it would...
Happy St. Patty's Day! (I hope it's OK to abbreviate ;-) ) 75 deg, sunny, and calm... Gonna do some flying then have a pint or two of Guinness...
Well I had my first LiPo mis-hap. Blew the pack right fault, but no damage done. I've been using LiPos since about 2004ish. This was...
Nothing too exciting here, but I thought I would share. One of the sales guys at work was using binders to prop his laptop at an angle, but it...
OK, now for something really off topic :) Did you ever have one of those dreams where you wake up, then fall back to sleep with the dream picking...
Interesting article.
I started building a P-39 I've been working on. It started life being built from FFF, but I decided to go balsa, as I prefer that over foam....
Hi guys; I have someone who wants some stuff PhlatFormed... What should I charge? I'm going to supply the materials. He is saying 500 pieces....
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