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Dan, if you select the curve, or select all of the lines for a curve and other parts, you can then get the length by looking at the 'Entity' data...
This may be a good application for Tim's spray booth... viewtopic.php?f=213&t=1231&hilit=charcoal
I was watching an episode of 'How It's Made' where they were discussing how drywall joint compound was made. At the end of the show, they showed...
Jeff, I used your drawings, as you were much further ahead than me. The only thing I changed was to flip a few of the pieces so that I could...
I saw this on RCG as well, and have also been working it up in SketchUp. Our local club has a float fly twice a year, and for several years I...
Ordered some today. Just over half the price of Depron. This will be great if it works as well... :)
I didn't have a lot of time to devote to this, but nevertheless, here are my designs. The 'Phlat Out Cool' lettering would need modification, as...
I was just getting ready to post about this same thing. Just over the past week, my bit has started doing this. My bit, however, is the original...
Here's a cool video of Jay Leno having a part 3D modeled and produced by CNC....
One other item I might note: I put a 1/8" masonite top on my Phlatprinter. It extends from the front edge all the way to the roller, with a much...
I was looking for a better way of storing all of my batteries and chargers that I lug to the field. I have an aluminum case I bought from Harbor...
I had the same problem. I ended up sanding the rods until the z axis moved smoothly.
Hi Chuck, I hadn't seen a reply to this, so I'll add my 2 cents. I have successfully cut 6mm EPP with the stock 1/8" bit. Everytime I use this...
Thanks for the quick reply and explanation. Drawing the rectangle helped me to understand the differences in the tools. Hopefully it helps...
Being fairly new to the Phlatscript I have some questions: 1) What is the difference between the centerline and fold cuts? And what does wide...
For anyone interested: Here is a video of my Polaris and a friend of mine flying off the snow at our local club field. This is one of my favorite...
Our club recently built a charge stand and put it into use this year. We have 2 deep cycle farm and implement batteries that cost us around $250...
I never replied to this. Santa flew great as long as you didn't need to turn :mrgreen: ... He made it back with his sleigh, but unfortunately...
On a few occassions, I have been using my Phlatprinter and all of a sudden I started missing tons of steps, ruining a piece of foam. I am running...
I am the Cubmaster for our local Cub Scout Pack. I was wanting a trophy / display for our cars. Here is what I came up with. There are wheel...
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