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This was excellent! I noticed this holder a while ago and just got around to making it. I did change the file a little bit. It now has space for...
Build went quick and there were no issues at all. I did "square" all the slots just because of the normal radius left by the bit. I did mix a...
This is a 20A momentary lever switch that should work for $.45 cents.
Dorsal, No problem! That's what it's for! If I find a better switch that can be mounted on an alum angle, I'll post it. Should be under $10 for...
I saw Dorsal's post on a relay, so I didn't want to hijack that thread, although depending on the current draw of the hotplate, I may have to...
Andrej just released a new beta (BETA version 2.10.1010.1601 is available) New visual design is awesome. 4 decimal precision for for tool...
I created the attached cross reference wiring list that can be used for an EasyCNC, Probotix, or G540 controller. I'm assuming most everyone will...
Mark, Trish, No problem! I love the direction this board is going in, and having multiple machines and types of controllers (EasyCNC, HobbyCNC,...
I have my license and a controller (DIY breadboard, as I had the parts in stock) up and running. VERY nice. If you don't want to fool with Mach3...
Shaun, I'm looking to get one once I finish putting in the tile floor in the garage. Too many projects! I see you're in Florida! I'm in...
I ran into this while looking around for a pwd or freq to AC control schematic to directly control the router from Mach3/g-code. There are two...
Gee, the Z axis looks awful low to the table! BWA HAA HAA HAA Great progress!
Nice build Mike! I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it. Definitely a MKII in my future, once I get all the other projects out of the way...
Crash... Ohhh.... Nice Aluminum! (drool..) I can't wait for mine to show up! Dorsal, The ps Ahren has sounds like it would do fine. I run...
Looks good! I like the fact that in simulates an MPG as well. From the Mach3 forum, it looks like the plug-in is almost ready to go to support...
ET That did it! Thanks for the pointer! I always forget about the Mach wiki. The keypad now does everything I want it to by using the num...
Jeff, Right now it does the 6 basic moves and Home all to zero. When I figure out how to assign other hotkeys to it beyond those in the hotkey...
I quickly got sick of having to go back to the keyboard/mouse to adjust the bit position, reset my 0,0,0, coordinates, or just use the machines...
You'll need the eDrawing viewer from the Fine Line Automation site to look at the eDrawings... Natan supplied the drawings for my custom machine....
I spoke with Nathan at length last night (Tues), and I agree, what a knowledgeable gentleman! He's working with me to provide a customized bundle...
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