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This technology has come a long way since the last time I look through a telescope into the night sky. Over the years many resourceful and...
Here is a cool site you can do online tracings of any image you want. I found a couple scroll saw patterns so I tried it out and it works great....
A quick tutorial on how to use Bubble cast in a post [bubblecast 288218][/bubblecast] There is a quick log in window that you fill out and that...
Hey guys! This is a two part show. We build and test out TVcasualty's Plane stand that was revisited and redesigned by Evil-Tunes. Because this...
Here is a 2D shape that you can use to build a cool 3D shape. enjoy Please post pics here if you build this Mark Attached files [img] [img]...
Here's a great tutorial on the corel draw programs quick trace feature. Its able to take a bitmap or jpeg and create a vector tracing that could...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Let's make this year the best ever!! Grab your new year shades here and get in the spirit! :) Have fun and be safe out there...
What an awesome Christmas guys! Lets see some of the stuff you guys got for Christmas this year! Mark and Trish
This week we worked on a cool little project. It's a light tent. You can use this little box to take professional looking photos. The material...
Here is an inexpensive 'light tent' diffuser for you guys to use to snap professional photos of your products to post. This is the link where I...
Here is a geodesic dome structure that you could scale to any size and build. I tried to fit as many parts as I could to one sheet so they are a...
Here is a crash course video tutorial to show you one way that the unfold tool can be used for your models. Hope it helps out Mark
Here's a cool site with just about every ship schematics you could ever want :) Mark
Here are the videos for the ATOM build, There are three parts to the build. Atom - Stands for Aerial - Tilt- Object - Motion Part 1 -...
Here is some useful tutorials and information on modeling smart with Sketchup Thanks to wjbite for sharing this with us and to Google for creating...
Thought that we could mix and match these with XtremeRCpilots snow flakes. The more the Merrier :D His snowflakes are here...
A.T.O.M. Stands for Aerial Tilt Object Motion This is a cool little project I have been working on that utilizes a gimble as a means for control....
This post had an error, if you are the person that posted this please register and post again. Original post read I am looking for a plan for one...
Guys here is a simple quick and cheap stand that will work to hold your Phlatprinter MKII . This stand is the same size (height wise) as the...
Found this link over on RCgroups and thought it was interesting [img] Here's another...
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