Well, looks that I have to wait few more days. At a bench test I found that 1400Kv motor was not powerful so I had to order a 750Kv. I include the video with the test, and until the motor arrive I try to finish a new "paint" scheme for the "Buffalo"
you really need to go by the watts the motor will use, not the kv 1400kv is basically 1400rpm per volt. try going with a smaller prop, like a 7X6 for a 1400kv on a 3s, the 750kv will need a bigger prop and possibly a 4s or larger battery to get the rpm up Looking at the specs for that motor it should have tons of power for that plane. Model: SK35-36 1400 Kv: 1400rpm/v Turns: 5 Resistance: 37 Idle Current: 1.9A Shaft: 4mm Weight: 115g Rated Power: 550w ESC: 40A Cell count: 3~4 Lipoly Suggested Prop: 9*4.5, 10*4.7, 6*5 Power equivalent : .30 to .40 glow engine Go with the suggested props and the power should be there for you
The truth is that I want to make a kit and I try to keep it as scale as possible that why the prop is with 3 blade and a large one too. First version, with fix retracts, because the reduced weight, flew without any problem, actually I had the problem with the elevator servo. The plane went down and I found the servo striped, was moving free, but the crash did not touch the tail. Actually in the video can hear, prior to the crash, the beeps from the radio when I try to adjust the elevator. The second version I build, having the retracts, and therefor a greater weight, I was more reluctant to fly on that windy day so I put first in the air a Spit, same weight and everything. The motor shut down, the day was windy and I use more than half throttle. So to confirm the suspicions I did that 30s full throttle on the stand. I have two videos, from the ground and from the air. The one from the air, I did not fix the support, was weak and it moved in flight, but you can hear the sound of the motor. The video from the ground show how great was the intensity of the wind when the plane hover and then the motor fail and... I plan to sale a kit from the very basic, just the fuse and wings + ply parts unmounted all the way to the RTF version. Actually, I try to cover my hobby expenses, therefore will be a limited number of kits.
Well, I ordered the MKIII. So the future fuselages will be made with this machine. I don't doubt that is the same quality as the PF. But until I get the machine and learn how to use, I keep going the way I'm doing right now.
The wether is really cold, and I'm still waiting for the motors for the Buffalos. In the same time, the camouflage "paints" are ready for printing. So now I'm uploading the files... 1.36Gb each, and that take some serious time. Attached files
The retracts did not hold and broke while the plane was landing... so next gen. will have fix retracts until I find or buy a Mill CNC. I'm still waiting for the skins, and I hope this week to have them. This is the status with the construction right now. Attached files
Watt_the?, you will be at home with your new phlatprinter. you will be cutting before you know it. get yourself the free google sketchup, and start messin with it. its very easy, the hard part for me is trying to figure out what to make, lols. randy.
I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas day to get and open the present, and already downloaded Sketchup 8 with some plugins and start messing up with it. Randy, I believe you because I already have a long list waiting for the phlatprinter to arrive and don't know what to do first. I am like this guy > until I get my hands on it.
Watt_the? These look fantastic! Put us on the list for a kit! Ok now we need to make a hotwire cutter! Mark and Trish
I'm glad you two like the kit, and I'll do it. I'm sure, if you want to build a hot-wire CNC, will be an excellent machine and if you have any question I'll be more than happy to share with you from my experience with the hot wire CNC. Believe me, I am anxious to get the phlatprinter so I can make some parts for my hot wire.
I tuck a break, I watch the show, and then I went back and did some more work. This is the way things are right now... Attached files
You are right. When I first design the plane I had in mind local delivery from a rc store, and now because the positive response I get, transportation become a problem. I had in mind to build just ARF and PNP, but this plane I will have to ship with half of the wings and wings cover unmounted. Still will be a big box... but I have no way to work around this problem.
I have a small update. Now all the planes have tail ready, servos mounted, and the battery hatch cut. Hope tomorrow will get the canopy plastics done. Enjoy !!! Attached files
You take kit building to a whole new level! this is awesome! I love the picture with them all in a group they look great Mark and Trish
Thank you for your kind words. I try to take it as far as possible. I want the kit to look like a scale plane and cost like a foam plane. The most important part is the way it flays, the way it look and to be easy to repair after a crash. Actually to be able to fly right at the field immediately after the crash. I put a picture with the yellow/grey one to see what was the damage. I'll do most of the work for ARF and PNP, but people will be able to take it to the extreme with the details. As far as a baritone kit I'm still thinking. Now the hard part is to keep the weight low and not get to crazy with the wood. I can make a detailed cockpit, but again I'm between choices. If I make it 2D, just stickers attached to strait walls would look just 2D... If I make 3D with the Phlatprinter will be nicer looking but I have to do the painting. Next kit will be a "collaboration" between Phlatprinter, my old foam cutter and the Phlatformer. In the past I build a He129 (WS 101 inch), but was not to scale because the aileron hinges... Now with the Phlatprinter I can make them so I know next one will be a german WWII bird, big, big with a detailed cockpit and skin. I was thinking of the Me410, but is with 2 engines, and now in this economy where the money are tight, two means more money spend for everything... so I'll keep it to one engine plane. If you have ideas... are more than welcome I'm open to suggestions. Attached files
Yesterday I clean the "shop" and today was slow... but still I did something. This is the configuration with batteries, ESC, receiver and the motor I use now. Once all the gear is in I'll weight it. Next week for sure the skins will arrive... Enjoy!! Attached files
And the last update for this version... next version will have a hard shel before the vinyl. Because the battery hatch I had some small misalignment problems with the skin, and for now I put some temporary tape. Being first kit, I learn a lot from it's construction, in the future I'll avoid the mistakes I made with this one. The cockpit is made also by printing on paper and gluing it on 3mm Depron because is lighter than thermoforming plastic and I didn't have to paint it... like the plastic would require. Also the pilot is missing for now, andI'm still debating... looks vs weight. Anyway, I still have to get the fix landing gear and ailerons done before first flight. I know the time and money spent on it... so I have a ballpark figure on the price but I'm curious what would you pay for this kit, ARF and RTF. I think is an improvement from what was in the past, and next generation will be a real commercial kit. So enjoy !!! Attached files
Watt_the?, the attention to detail is impeccable....looks great. with the detail that you build at, you should get rid of the old style planes and build some modern military stuff. your work looks good man. peace, randy.
Hi Randy, thank you for your kind words. Let me explain why I choose this road. First I love the modern jet fighters, actually all of them but specially the Russian Sukhoi and Mig family. I build in the past Su34 and Mig29UB (for me, lower photo here, and some friends) but right now the electronics are the one prohibiting people from buying this kind of kits. I build airplanes for 2x70mm EDF and was not big enough for all the components so if I make a kit for 2x110mm EDF the cost of average electronics will push $1000 and that without the kit. So how many people would buy it? I have, for better days, EDF kits, ready to be cut, with variable intakes and exhaust for air speed and thrust vectoring. I agree with you, now with this skin on them, with way more details, they would look like display models but I have to see the interest people have in this kind of kits before I can invest more money. Back to "Buffalo" the ARF will have the servos installed so the electronics is max $50 to $100 and less than that if people have "left over" from other RC planes, so is in well into the budget of many people. Next will be the grey camouflage and have the hard coat plastic shell, but will be dull, not so shiny. So, people will be able to chose between grey/yellow, brown/green camouflage and grey camouflage, or nothing at all. Because it was not designed to be shipped in a box, that will be hard and expensive, but next models will be different. Attached files
Watt_the?, You mentioned what would someone be willing to pay? Pricepoint is a tough question, depends on what's already on the market, production cost per unit, product quality, production quantity, and your product support. You could sell your product at XXX price, that's not an issue. The real issue is will that pricepoint sustain business and is it profitable to do so? So, what i'm saying is survey the market and find the product's market range. Pick a pricepoint within that range that will make you a profit you can live with. Selling products at a net loss is a HOBBY - selling products at a profit is a BUSINESS. At least that's what I learned in college. :02cents:
You are absolutely right, but on beginning I hope to cover the cost of production, that if I'm lucky. I am prepared to be in loss for the beginning until people will know the quality and way of flying of the kits. Definitely I look for a niche in the market, and my goals are to build a kit very detailed and with a smaller price. Mass production is out of the question, all what I count on is good flight characteristics, very detailed and low price. I'm jumping from one to the other but the second important thing is the crash and the design I made for this plane, after my calculations and tests I think I got the smallest amount of damages after a crash. I had an experience with one of them... the plastic cowl was broke and the engine mount was gone. But nothing unrepairable. All this planes, are designed with parts to give up first in case of a crash... motor-mounts break before the motor axle bent, prop or fuse break.. The wings will have the same kind of small breakable parts to save them. As far as I know, I'm the first one to think of incorporating this feature into RC airplanes because I want to sell a really "indestructible" airplane. After a crash, replace few minor parts and everything is strait and good to go.