Thank you guys for everything, you are great, and actually I fell like I belong to big Phlat family. I have one more update for today, not much but ... The fix LG is ready, I cut the ailerons and I pull the wheel covers. Also now the camouflage is mat, no more shiny reflections. Enjoy!! Attached files
Thank you guys for your kind words.I hope to have everything done in a few days and if the weather keep's up the way it was until now, to have a video too.
Thats fantastic great work. I am curious what you are using when you say a hard plastic shell if you are willing to reveil it. WBPU?
I hope I'm able to give back some of the informations I was able to obtain by reading this forum and I'l try to show that if you dream it you can build it.
It is no problem at all, I can tell you what I know so far. I order it,(did not arrived yet) is a liquid plastic in two containers, it mixes 4 to 1, inside the gun in the moment you spray it and harden in 2 sec. Is specially designed for foam and give a smooth, sand-able, paintable hard shel. The only problem is that it can not be brushed on and you have to have a gas mask with dedicated air source, not with filters, with a hose. The gun is a special design just for this, it cost a lot but can be used with any compressor. More I can not say because I'm still waiting to arrive.
So this is what results I had with the plane last test. I have to mention that for impartial results I went for this tests to Mike's Hobby Shop, the biggest hobby shop in Dallas area, and I asked one of the airplane guys who work there to do the test for me. So the airplane complete with two batteries is 72 oz. The configuration I had was: 3 blade prop 14x7, (series)2x3s1p 2200mAh/11.1V for longer flight, ESC 60A, motor Turnigy 4240-09 750kV 600W. The motor cooling was very poor so the result was bad but next one will have a great ventilation. The way was configured it puled 86 oz on 3/4 throttle, more than enough to do 3D.
Yes, the motor got overheated because of poor ventilation. Now I modified the fuse and the air enter in the front and exit all the way in the back by the small wheel. Actually I have to make an other plug for a dummy radial, something with thiner cylinders, less obstruction for the air and to ad some cooling fins on the motor case from ordinary tape.
Well now officially I'm pissed off because this RC industry... To make a long story short, after I smoked the motor, despite the fact that I have several motors laying around, I went to a RC store for other things and I had a motor mount/support with me... Surprise, all the motors on same category but from different manufacturers have the mounting holes in different spots. Before realizing that every motor mount in different, my thought was pretty strait forward... lots of hobbyists have lying around parts from different crash models and, that for, easy to slap together some to complete this airframe.... Well is not so... and now I have to rethink all together. I went with Turnigy, being so cheap, and the holes are nice laser cut with blind nuts in the back ready for... What I'll do now after all the frame are mounted together? Imagine how is to buy a ARF and start to modify the motor mount. Is not unheard of but I didn't want to have this kind of kits for sale...
Tomorrow is the big day... will see if it fly as good as it looks. The test looks good...
Wow over 200 watts per pound Now Thats my kind of plane. And you Kept it under 60a She should hang on that prop No Problem Cheers E-T
This time I think I hit the nail in the head ( at least I hope so... :nervous: ). It will be a big day tomorrow. Now E-T, how did you manage to put the actual video in the post ?. I've try it, but did not succeed.
Go to advance postreply . Paste the Y/T url in ......then highlight it and hit the youtube button on the top right. It should look tike this without the spaces between the letters [y o u t u b e ][/y o u t u b e] Cheers E-T
Thank you. I just make a test, not related with this plane, but something I played with in the past. Enjoy!!
Well, this is bad luck or what???? The prop ax just gave up... The original one was the type hold by the axe with a collet and I have to replace it with one bolted on the bell before I can do anything. The problem is that I ned a three bolt axe type, and all my other axe type are with four bolts. Attached files
Hello to everyone, I ordered a new prop adaptor but being made by AXI did not match the motor, so I'm back on square one. Now, I ordered complete motors with a 4 holes prop adaptor system.When I will receive the PhlatPrinter, I think to redo the fuse from fanfold and save more on the weight. So bear with me on this and soon I'll have updates. Cheers.