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Full Fuse Lil' Ripper

Discussion in 'Single Wing Aircraft Plans' started by 3DMON, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. Jnida63

    Jnida63 Member

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    Been working on a little sharpie art for this bird, I have made and flown 4 of them so far (thumbs keep getting in the way of my flying).
    Here is an idea I have for some art for it Attached files [​IMG]
  2. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    Ohh, that would be cool. I hope to see pics... :banger:
  3. crash5050

    crash5050 Member

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    Greenwood/ Fort Smith, Arkansas
    I built one today, flew like a champ in 20MPH gusts!! Thak you Shaun!
  4. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    Awesome! Glad to hear it.

    Your gonna love it even more with no wind.
  5. janbjorn

    janbjorn Member

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    I'm on my second Ripper and I must say that it's really a great plane. Wind or calm it'll take it all. It has become the plane that I always bring along to the field regardless of weather. Flew it in dead calm conditions last week and I basically flew three batteries only training knife-edge. For the second one I made a semi built up wing by laminating 3 sheets and sanding a symmetric airfoil to them, but the added weight reduced performance from great to OK. It can hover and climb out from hover, but only just. The first one punched out of hover with good speed.
    I'm using the Blue Wonder 1300kv motor and a 3S 500-800mAh batteries.

    For the third one I'll go for the lightweight version using 3mm depron and single sheet wing.
  6. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    Well I finally got around to building one of these. man what a SWEET flying plane. I haven't flown a plane like this in a few years, and I forgot how much fun they were. I am comparing this one to a Fancy Foam Edge I flew for years. Wore the foam out. I did build another, and forgot all about it until this weekend.(Don't ask) I maidened both this Saturday.

    I have my CG about 1/4" back from the spar, and it still seems like I can eek it back a bit more. Even with 45 degrees of control throw, I find I run out of elevator in a hover... I may have some up thrust built in somehow as I need to force the nose "down" a lot in a hover. I'm gonna add some washers. Then again I may be spoiled by the last one of these flatties I flew, a Fancy Foam edge with a full flying stab and 80 some degrees of throw :shock:
    The Lil Ripper isn't as controllable in a hover (still need to play with the CG), but it doesn't hunt at all in level flight like my FF Edge. It hovers well but with the FF Edge I can have it bent over 45 degrees, and it just snaps back with a touch of rudder. Also snaps with the Lil Ripper are a lot cleaner. I still need to figure it out in knife edge. It does it well enough, but w/ the FF Edge, I can knife edge slip in to a hover on the deck... After flying it about 6 times now I am darned close...I think a more aft CG will help.

    Well this is now officially my favorite bang for the buck airplane. By the end of the 2nd flight I was able to do FAST rolling circles around myself control line style and would only quit as I got dizzy. In flies "normally" WAY better than my FF Edge. The Elevator on the Edge would hunt with anything more than a fast idle. Snaps with the Lil Ripper are NOW, and stop NOW. Knife edge is VERY controllable with very little coupling. It was a bit breezy so the coupling might have been due to the breeze. I just need some more rudder or further aft CG to slip a knife edge into a hover. It does it, but it doesn't really lock in to an upright hover right away.

    Here's a video my flying buddy posted of my first flight.... It is only getting better from there :D
  7. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    Awesome! Thanks for the review. I'm glad your liking it.
  8. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Great write up Dave! :doubleup:
    Thank you for posting this
    Mark and Trish
  9. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    Trish/Mark...thanks, but I just looked at it again, it does ramble all of the map. I should re-do it. I slapped it together while my dinner was heating in the microwave after a GREAT day of flying.

    Anywho... Shaun, does the plane have a tendency to need a ton of down in a hover? That is once the hover is established, and it leans back a bit, it takes a TON of down elevator to get it back. If it leans forward a bit, it only takes a touch of up to get it back.
    Or do I have some up thrust built into the motor? In level flight it is ROCK solid and trims just fine. I think I have the thrust line in-line with the wing; well it looks that way anyway. Elevator throws are symmetrical.
  10. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    None of mine have reacted that way so I do wonder if your thrust angle could be off. I wouldn't think it could be far off though. Sounds like a washer might be needed.
  11. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    I was gonna add a washer, but it flies so nice in level flight I didn't want to mess with that. No pitch change at all from real low throttle to WOT.
    Can't hurt to try though, eh?
    THANKS again
  12. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

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    Update: I added 2 4-40 washers (it was a bit thicker than the 2-56 washers I have) to give a slight amount of down thrust. I was only able to fly it in my backyard which really isn't conducive to actually flying around, but I can hover back there, and do a little flying, but the plane always has to be turning...

    Well with this washer, it hovers a LOT BETTER. It still has a slight tenancy to lean towards the canopy, but a lot less elevator is needed to bring it upright... From what I can tell it hasn't effected "normal" flight, but I need more room to really tell.

    I also now have the CG set about 1/2" behind the spar. (Started at 1/4") and it appears to be a lot happier there. Knife Edge flight is more controllable, and I was able to muster some knife edge slips into a hover within the limited space. Like Dave Platt says... a model will tell you where it want's the CG :)

    Can't wait to take it to the field this weekend to really see how these changes work.
  13. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    Good news. Glad to hear the washers helped. I like the cg being back far also.
    Have fun!

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