Travis are you contributing on Joes forum? What is your username... Are you happy with the design and have you done any other projects?
I do not post much on Joe's fourm, there is so many "better" builds on there. mine is not that impressive. My username is the same as here. I like the design for the most part. I would have designed the lower V bearing attachment on the gantry differnt. I think it should had been like the carriage with a cam. This weekend I made a dust shoe that also incorporates a mount for my rotozip, so I can use bits that have 1/8" shanks. I was running it last night when I thought I was loosing steps on the Z axis, than all of a suddedn it came crashing down into the workpice and my table, thats when I noticed the Dumpster coupling had came loose from the stepper motor shaft. I also did not have the setscrews on the flange bearing tight enough. that would have help to keep it from sliding all the way down. I did not take into account for the extra weight of the mount and the rotozip. Looks like I will need to remove my router when using the rotozip. and remove the rotozip and mount when using the router. I guess what I need to do is get a 1/8" collett for my hitichi router, if they make one for it.
travisc this is what i use for 1/8" bit in my router ... lpage=none hope it helps
Travisc, I too have a Joe4x4 and your build is excellent. My question is, how can I cut out many of the planes here using my CNC? I have V-carve pro / Mach 3. Will the Phlat code work for a flat bed cnc ? Will send you a PM too, not sure how often you come here. Thanks, Mick
mick, the files here should work fine on our Joe's4X4's (as soon as I get mine built). The axes for the PP are in proper orthogonal orientation, so the g-code files created and posted here should be correct for any 3-axis router. You must keep in mind that most files are created for a 1/8" or smaller bit, so get a collet adapter to run the smaller bit or learn Sketchup and regen the file with your bit size.
I have noticed that I have to mirror a design when I cut on the Phlatprinter via Vcarve pro or Aspire, has to do with the Z Axis being reversed. comming from the bottom verses from the top. I design every thing to cut from the top when using my 4X4 Hybrid. I have not tried to cut a file made from the Phlatscript on the 4X4 Hybrid.
I also have to change the default safe Z travel height in Vcarve pro or Aspire to .25 or it will bottom out the Z axis on the phlatprinter I think the default is 7/8 or something. I plan to buy the flex shaft for my Rotozip and replace the Dremil that should elimate that problem. It sucks when the Dumpster nut slips on the stepper motor shaft when it bottoms out. have to remove the top take off the Y carriage top and remove the Z carriage and re-tighten the bolts on the Dumpster nut. I am also using the HobbyCNC package with the 305 0z steppers on the Phlatprinter.
My Hybrid is not working very well. It may have to do with the tempture outside in my non insulated garage. I also did not get my metal table built. It is currently bolted to my work bench, and is not that sturdy. I had to re-tighten the V bearings on the Y-A axis, not fun, that is a bad design, how they are made to slide in the slots to tighten, they should have been made like the X and Z carrage with a cam adjuster on each V bearing. I may rebuild all the wood parts over and incorporate that and the 8 bearing mod on the X axis. I may break it all back down and rebuild it all. I now wish I had went ahead and orderd a Shopbot Buddy.
Sorry to hear that but keep in mind that a Shopbot Buddy is like 8K for the smaller unit....Joe's 4x4 is much less expensive. I have never worked with Joe's 4x4 but it seems most folks get them dialed in and working great.
mick40 the phlatcode work on flatbed but you need to reverce the face on them than do the gcode thaat should get it cutting the right direction
Ok I have decided to rebuild my Hybrid. There have been some updates to the design and I think that this will solve some of my problems. First I have designed a new table base made from Unistrut. I may need to add more bracing, but for now this where I am at. Attached files