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Most wanted PhlatscripT Feature

Discussion in 'SketchUcam 'Most wanted Feature'' started by kram242, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

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    Sebastian, Florida
    That is what the safe area tool is for. After you hit ok and it puts the box at the origin, all you have to do is click on the safe area icon. This will let you put the safe box anywhere you want it.
  2. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    I know that the safe area tool is to put the 'safe area' where I want when I want. And I use it that way. I just don't want it when I click 'OK'. I want it when I decide to put it, not before.
  3. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Not sure how practical this one is Yoram, mainly because if you are in the habit of doing your design first in or around the 0,0 so that when you hit ok from the parameters the safe area is on your design and not in the right place. Its very simple to use the save area to too place it in a new location in a matter of a click or two. I think it would confuse most first time users if the safe area was not there when they activate the Phlatscript.
    Having said that, when the Ruby section comes up we can all learn to modify the Phlatscript the way we like it and customize it to our individual likings and that will be great!
    Mark and Trish
  4. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    Man, i feel so unloved. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    :D No no you know its not that way, sorry it came across like that :)
    I just really feel that this change although may help one person, would mess up the work flow for most others.
    You know we are all family here ;)
    Mark and Trish
  6. kyyu

    kyyu Active Member

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    I always hated the safe area box popping up every time I save the preferences. But the problem is, it has to update if there is a box already present. So you can't just disable the update. You can make it update, only if the safe area dimensions have been changed. You can try out this mod: viewtopic.php?p=25346

  7. Helno

    Helno Member

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    This might be a bit out there of a requested feature but it would be nice if it wasnt very hard to implement.

    I would like to be able to be generate 3d toolpaths that begin in the center of an object and follow a spiral out from there. This toolpath option solved alot of headaches when cutting out large 3d parts recently.
  8. xtremeRCpilot

    xtremeRCpilot Member

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    Cleveland, Ohio
    This is not intentional within the pocket tool itself but caused when converting the code with the centerline tool, it sees each line as broken, try to change the pocket lines to a polyline and then it will see it as one continuous line. You will need the bezier spline plug in....When you click on one of the pocket lines they should all turn blue not just the single line that is selected. Also its more the directional cuts that cause the textured lines, this is a common problem and it happens when the bit is going back and forth across each cut in opposing directions, it would be nice to see more fill choices like spiral or even hatch but hatch isnt a continuous line so there is a bit of work involved to make it this way.

    Hope this helps
    john Attached files [​IMG]
  9. xtremeRCpilot

    xtremeRCpilot Member

    Trophy Points:
    Cleveland, Ohio
  10. JoeCosman

    JoeCosman New Member

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    I'd like a checkmark for bullnose bits. the 3d plot works nicely, but toolpath offsets are completely different for rounded end mills, than for the usual flat bottomed ones.

    I'd love to be able to 'v carve' a varying depth polyline. right now, everything is defined as a percentage of the stock thickness. perhaps a way to just dump the actual z values in sketchup like a 'manual depth' mode?

    scalloping trailing edges, variable chamfers/countersinking, ramping into pocketing ops, and reaming holes with a spiral path, instead of routing out at full plunge. plotting your own trochoidal toolpaths, and height based roughing paths.

    i'd fully expect to break my bits testing that out, as its still cheaper than buying vcarve

    I know. I ask the world, dont I?
  11. Claus Pfisterer

    Claus Pfisterer New Member

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    Hi there,
    We – students from the FHNW, institut for postindustrial design, hyperwerk.ch – just used your Plugin last week during a workshop teached by Anne and Gary (http://atfab.co).
    After an odysea with several cams on several systems, i'm excited having found your SketchUcam solution.

    Most students are working with Macs. So i tried to figure out installing a native gplot-solution for showing the gcode-path. My question ist:
    Will you go any steps further and maybe enable a gplot solution that works natively or at least with an X11/XQuartz window manager?

    Another software i found maybe worth for looking at it and maybe work together...

    It would really be a comftable way showing live the gcode simulated.

    Thanks again for your really good software!
    Kind regards, Claus
  12. swarfer

    swarfer Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Grahamstown, South Africa
    will the universal gcode sender open a gcode file when given it on the command line?
    if it does, you can modify sketchucam to open it when you select 'show gplot' instead of the included windows program.
    The instructions are in the help!

    edit: I have just downloaded it and tried but it doe snot open a file given on the command line.
    Maybe you can request this from the developers....
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
  13. JoeCosman

    JoeCosman New Member

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    I have 2 requests although I'm not sure how much work is involved. Ready? First, A checkmark in the parameters window that says "plot Line Depth as Z". in other words, use world coordinates to plot the Z values. Sometimes I need to cut a pocket or make a centerline cut that does not match a percentage depth of the stock. Flush bearing mounts are a good example; 87.5% on 1/2 inch stock.

    bear in mind, I know I can make several files that have varying stock settings to accomplish this, but that gets very cluttered in the archival process shuffling around multiple files to make a single part.

    If the Z moves traced the curve object in the world coordinates in Sketchup, I could build overlapping geometry to do 3d pocketing, easier waterline contouring, or even threadmilling. Such a setting is good for ramping into parts for faster feeds, integrated lead-in lines to a part, or true 3d milling/Vee engraving. I'm cutting a lot of aluminum as well as some pretty respectable Urethane and PVC blocks. I'm trying to keep my tiny bits from deflecting during a plunge, especially on aluminum where no matter the number of passes, I get oval holes and divots caused by the bit walking on the surface during the initial pass.

    Second request; setting a start point on a path. Either through a plunge tool, or something like the tab tool. this would force the direction of a centerline cut instead of the nesting algorithm figuring the direction. The first time I wished for it was when cutting out EVA foam for an iron man helmet, where the triangular tips bent with the bit when it changes direction. Setting an in point on the centerline by cutting one side, rapid to the beginning of the next cut, and cut toward the open end of the piece would keep the part supported till it breaks free.
    I'm on a vaccuum table, and foam is pretty tough to hold down, no matter how much suction.

    you can't tell I'm a bit of a power user, haha.

    By the way, the plugin works excellently, and it has boosted my maker cred and creativity astronomically. Thank you for the excellent code that is already there! my machine has worked wonders since this plugin came out, which is great, considering my zero budget after building it :)
  14. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    I read through the whole post, Joe, but I didn't see any question!

    But I'd like to comment on your problem with the bit bending. I use A LOT of small size bits. Sometimes only 1/32 and they don't bend because I don't cut aggressively! I use the multi pass with shallow cuts, slow IPMs in the horizontal and vertical travel or, in other words, on all axis'! My holes in hard 3/4" wood are round.
  15. swarfer

    swarfer Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Grahamstown, South Africa
    well, I added a 'Gcode joiner' tool to v1.2a, so after you have created your various Gcode files you can join them with just a few clicks.

    and, why create parts/copies of the drawing in different files?
    you can use saved tool profiles to quickly load different tool settings.
    you can put parts of the drawing in different areas, then just move the 'safe cut area' to each in turn (and load the tool profile) for generating the Gcode.
    do put some text blocks in the drawing to document each section so when you come back to it in the future it is not a total mystery.
    maybe, one day, we will move away from percentage depth to absolute depths, as an option.
    it will never follow a 3D object in the way to envision, the drawings will always be flat, there is just too much code that relies on the flatness to change this. the 3D tool generates rudimentary 3D paths, this will improve over time but will never replace the primary flat drawing functionality.

    btw, if your bits are deflecting during plunging, then something is wrong (other than the way the Gcode is generated). either the machine is not stiff enough, or the bit is not a proper end cutting bit, or both. bits designed to plunge into wood will probably rely on the wood breaking away, and will not plunge into aluminum happily. I know, been there, broke that bit.

    I find it very easy to just duplicate the main drawing and do layered cuts on each copy, as needed, then generate Gcode from each one in turn (just move the safe cut area as needed) , then use the joiner tool to join them together into one cut file. so for the drawing with the pocket on it I'd set the 'material thickness' to the exact depth required, and use 100% cut depth. spot on accurate.
    I described this method in detail in a previous thread, something to do with cutting a 3D object I think it was.
    never gonna happen (-: there is just no mechanism I can see for tagging a particular edge *end* as a start point.
    I suggest putting a tab on the pointy bit that moves under cutting forces, that will hold it in place.
    you can do a 2 stage cut, one with tabs, and one without, then cut them in order (use the join tool). this way you can have the material hold itself for a full depth cut with tabs, then a full depth 'faster' cut to remove the tabs only, if they are thin there will be very little force during the cut.
    turn the part around so the pointy end is on the right, and make sure that the part cut before it is to the left. by doing this you ensure that the auto sequencer will never start and end on the pointy bit.
    you can make sure that the pointy bits are closest to the left bottom side (the start and end point of the previous cut, really), so that it always starts and ends on the pointy bit (which should still have a tab to hold it)
    you can turn the optimization off, and carefully edit every shape in such a way as to ensure that the last (or first, not sure now which one determines the loop start point) thing edited becomes the start point. This will seriously slow down the cut since the G00 moves will be much longer than usual unless you carefully sequence everything by grouping and rotating.
    thanks, but....
    remember, software cannot think, that is what you are for (-:
    go and watch an instruction video for something like SolidCAM, the user has to set up the cut for every little feature on the part. while that software can cut just about any thing, and has a bazillion options for how it does the cuts, the user has to set up every cut, one by one.
  16. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    "maybe, one day, we will move away from percentage depth to absolute depths, as an option."

    This would be a nice feature for sure.
  17. Serge Ecoiffier

    Serge Ecoiffier New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Ontario, Canada
    Just passing by and thought to myself, as I mentioned to Mark a few days back :

    SketchUcam has loads of potential. I sense most people using CNC router/mill like the OX over at OpenBuilds are mostly working 2.5D - very little depth as opposed to what I'm aiming to do with myOX (ex: molds for thermoforming shells/bodies for my r/c monster truck).

    Having an open source CAM like SketchUcam is a fantastic way to get people interested in CNC as a hobby, not everyone want to go into mass production of parts or heavy CAD/CAM apps and their price tags. I should be reading the few pages of postings here, but let me do some rambling on with a few thoughts.

    So, the 'layering' (order groups and paths) is great. I suspect the join can "import" Gcode files created by any other program (even if not displayed ... or maybe just as a flat traceout for positioning) ? It would need to allow proper sequencing: place imported g-code between which 2 'layers' ?

    I love how instead of doing back and forth passes over the entire surface, slightly shifting with each travel, one can just tell it : here's the pocket, do it; here's a drill hole, do it; etc. It is much faster. The only catch is that it will not do true 3D. Which is ok. One could do that with MeshCAM or other software AND join it to a SketchUcam process. For example, if I'm not off my rocker, I can have MeshCAM for converting an image of a 'tree' with raised areas left blank for name 'plates' and then SketchUcam trace paths to fill in these name tags... bingo, I've got a family tree with great details on trunk, branches and even bark (from the converted image) and perfectly written text for names and dates. The best of both worlds ... although I wished SketchUcam could do the image to Gcode conversion on its own.

    Here's the kicker, if I can think out loud, where SketchUcam had a simple UI to add tool/head changes, instead of maybe having to tweak Gcode manually, it could be used to really optimize a job - like the family tree example up above. An other example would be for one to do rough pass with a big tool to get rid of a maximum of waste material fast. A subsequent 'layer' would do finer details JUST where needed - some cleaning up, details, etc. In fact, it could be a few 'detail' passes, each with the most appropriate tool (one for lettering, v-grooving, ...) Then, to really think out the box, we could have layers with different heads - do a laser pass for very fine engraving/marking or even get 3D printing head in the action (swap heads instead of just the bit/tool) and build up parts of the project with colours... there would be no limit.

    Of course, being able to simulate a 4th axis, like MeshCAM, would be just beyond fantastic.

    SketchUcam would need to know the axis of rotation, the number of steps (angle/rotation) Instead of merging G-code files, it would create separate ones for each 'step' for those with out a 4th axis machine. It could do just two steps to machine a two sided project; 4 steps to work each face of a 'cube' about a common axis; and however many steps for complex jobs. Heck, it could allow the user to pick just some of the faces, skipping others (ie. do detail on left, right and top in six or more 'faces', doing nothing for the bottom. If the machine has a 4th axis of some sort, it could actually generate the g-code to control it and output a single file. Otherwise, it would insert a pause and let the user do a manual 4th axis adjustment. In either cases, it would do (just) the next position as opposed to continuous rotations.

    Now that would be sweet !

    Just too much thinking out loud on my part, don't mind me ...
  18. swarfer

    swarfer Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Grahamstown, South Africa
    so long as the files to be joined start with a 'G90 ...' line and end with a 'M30' line, the Gcode joiner will join them.
    They get joined in the order you specify the file names.
    It includes the entire first file up till the M30,
    the middle files is includes the stuff from the G90 line till, but not including, the M30
    for the last file it includes all the stuff from the M30 till the end of the file.

    And yes, it will happily join 3D files and flat files, and files with different bit sizes !?!
    next version may detect bit size changes and spit out tool change gcode between files. or maybe not.

    well, it does do a rudimentary 3D output, which will come out the wrong size, and take ages because it has no concept of roughing/finishing.
    I have been trying to improve it, but I'm not sure it is worth it when MeshCAM et al can do a much better job than I can ever do.
    I have been talking about tool changes for bout a year now (-: and thinking about it, and even researching it. turns out there are at least 3 options for tool changes, manual, semi auto, and auto, and Gcode for each one is different. This means more options for the user to choose from, and since it appears that no-one reads the help, this is going to increase the support costs.

    Ultimately, I really need my own machine to test code on, and while I have most of the bits 'n bobs, there are still many missing. Getting there, but this may take a while (-: I do have access to a large cnc router which will cut my OX endplates etc, but getting down to the factory when it is convenient for everyone is problematic. Much better to have my own stuff in the house. So, I am sidelining software development for a time and trying to concentrate on hardware. Once my hardware is up I know I will be able to look closely at tool changes etc.
    yes it would (-:
    other things on my list include plasma/laser cutter code, drag knife cornering, tool changes and so on. I find it best to program when inspired, so there is no timetable for any of this, excepting the current 'do hardware first' idea. of course, I don't actually have anywhere to put a machine due to junk buildup, so there is a certain amount of restructuring needed before I can even get the Vslot rails out from under the dining room table and have a flat spot to put them on and bolt them together.
  19. Serge Ecoiffier

    Serge Ecoiffier New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Ontario, Canada
    I understand, especially given the price of SketUcam ... not a money maker, eh ? Still a fantastic tool which I'll use at least to complement MeshCAM (will use that one to convert photos and such to G-code). Some manual (and risky) tweaking of code when fusing ... Should be fun.

    As for handling tool changes and 4th axis, go the route of the smallest common denominator : manual only ! Those who have a machine with automated tool change and a 4th axis most likely already have the needed software (at great expense probably) to do use the feature (hardware). However, the folks like me - in budget constraints, most likely don't have anything ... not a tool changer, not even a 4th axis. Going with a manual approach by SketchUcam would then be perfect. Just insert code to 'home then do (manual) tool change and home again" (should 'self' realign to correct any 'manual' movement). Same for simulating 4th axis : 'home then do (manual) rotation of work, home again'. Sounds easy enough to implement (especially from me who is not doing the needed programming).

    Are you in OpenBuild with your build ? It would be nice to fuse the two sites and expose both 'worlds' to all members of both sites ...

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