Things are moving on my build now. Have got the board milled and soldered the arduino and Wii Motion Plus. I kept the connector on the WMP because of testing purposes (as described above). I havent loaded the arduino with any SW yet, but that will probably be done tonight. Attached files
Looking good Jan It appears that you have more pin-headers on your board than I have. Have you included headers for camera stabilization too? Si.
Yes, the leftmost headers are for camera pitch and roll stabilization. It is Ilmar's desing on the break out board. It also has a couple of LED's, battery voltage measurement and a low battery warning buzzer
[attachment=0] Capture.JPG [/attachment] This is great stuff Jan! Your idea for a plug in board for the arduino and Wii looks like it would be a very inexpensive board to make especially since it has no real components, just holes and traces for lining up pre made boards like the arduino and Wii! I was checking around and it looks like you could easily develop these professionally. There are a lot of places that can do this for your ideas and it seems pretty simple. Gives me a lot of ideas! If you can design and layout the PCB you would submit it to one of the following fab houses to have it made. ExpressPCB - Free PCB layout software - Low cost circuit boards - Top quality PCB manufacturing Quality Sunstone PCB Printed Circuit Boards | PCB Order | DorkbotPDX BatchPCB Products PCB Manufacturer, Quick Turn High Quality Printed Circuit Board Discount, Online quote and order and get them delivered! (plenty of others -- Google) Some of the ones above even supply the software needed to design the board and the silk screen layout. Check out this guys blog, he is using a program called Eagle and it seems to be the standard out there. Hope this helps and good luck with this cool project Mark and Trish Attached files
Jan, thanks for confirming the extra headers, looking forward to seeing your completed copter. Mark, there are quite a few professional boards already being produced, it's much easier than I expected it to be. I received 2 MultiWii board kits from one of the guys on RCG last week for $30 shipped : These boards were developed with Eagle and produced by Seeed Studio There is also a collaboration on RCG which is developing a multicopter 'sensor board' for the Arduino platform using the same development and prototyping methods In other news..... We had a little 'family outing' yesterday so I took the copter along to amuse the kids. I made a little foam 'hat' for my quad in the week so that I could mount a cheap camera and try some aerial video. It was the first time flying it in an open space and not ideal conditions on top of a hill with 12mph winds, the video came out better than i'd expected though. Si.
Si, for the size that little bugger is, you did an outstanding job navigating it around in that wind! The video is excellent, too, bud. I will have my Tri up tomorrow and hopefully I can figure out tuning the PID's on short order. The cool thing about the board that I have is that it can be set up to run any multirotor design (Tri, Quad, Hex, Octo...), so I am already thinking that I will embark on a quad as soon as I get the Tri all worked up. Might I trouble you for some specifics of yours, like motors, ESC's, props, and battery used?