In Sketchup, click on "Help" (at the top of the screen) then "Welcome to Sketchup". Do you normally see that screen when Sketchup starts, or did you turn it off by un-selecting the "Always show on startup" box? I think, if the "Welcome" popup comes on, you will always start with a blank model.
I have that "Welcome" popup turned off. And I always start up on whatever blank template is chosen in the preferences. Turned it on and still a blank template. Now if you saved you drawing as a template, then that would come back up at the beginning? But that would be the same drawing each time.
I've started a new project, but somehow I have given all parts a group number [1]. I've seen where I can explode parts, but not sure how to go about doing this. I need to renumber each part in parameter. Is there a video on how to renumber groups? If so, what is video called, and where is it? still a newby, but coming along
Thanks Shaun... I finally got it figured out, I had to select all components in safe area and keep clicking explode until explode was no longer and option. Then, I had to select each individual component, and make each one a group in the order I wanted them cut. Keith
I just re-read your post...oops. I thought you were asking how to rename the groups. At least you know how to do that and you figured out how to do what you really wanted lol.