Very nice! There are guys using other machines and ex$pensive Vectric software who would love to be able to find fault with that work. Congratulations, it's okay to be proud!
Thanks guys. I will cut some more tomorrow with a 20 % stepover and see the difference.... Im loving this plugin already. I had already made some 3d parts from scratch in sketchup. and ran the script....But i tell you this is just a bonus !There are tons of 3d files out there we could all have a blast with
Here are the grapes i cut with a 20 % stepover. The cut is much better with the 16" bit ............Smooth as my head in the summer time :mrgreen: This little piece did take considerable time both to render the code as well as cut the part. But that's cool :geek: The dark lines are from an and file i had cut on the other side of the foam...... Not too shabby at all for a MK I . Attached files
Well yall, tomorrow is either going to be a day of victory or time to cry for me. See my friend designed a wing that he would like milled out and after a couple days of trying to get the gcode to come out right it finally worked. So tonight we did a test mill see below for the pic and tomorrow will be the full cut. I will make a video and/or take some photos tomorrow. For now enjoy the teaser pic Attached files
Post the grapes! we want the grapes! please I have to try that one out it looks great. great job Bruce Mark and Trish
Here ya go guys ........... Test out and have fun ....... One word here though , it takes a little while to generate code if you decide to redo it . it looks almost like sketchup has stopped responding . Just give it time to run its course ....... Notice also i have my parameters set to fractional you can change that to whatever you want in the model info menu Attached files grapes.skp (1.5 MB)Â grapes2.cnc (1.3 MB)Â
I've been trying to get a simple box and carrier cut set up similar to one face of what Jovian did with his double-sided cut. I've come at it a couple of different ways, but ended up with the same error each time. Basically, after I run Phlat3D, a large (ginormous) surface appears in the SketchUp window. When I try to import the CNC code into USB CNC, I get a file error about a missing % sign. When I look at the CNC file in notepad, it looks like no G-code at all got generated. I've imported an STL file into SketchUp 8 and imported a .dxf file of lines via 7 to 8 and then made the faces come in. Both version fail the same way. I'm starting to wonder if I've managed to screw up my SU installation somehow. Any ideas? Darwin Attached files carrier_lite_ply_25_skp8.skp (50.5 KB)Â test_skp_8_stl_import.skp (54.2 KB)Â
Darwin, If you open up the ruby console, you will see the plugin errors out and never completes. 1) You have the safe area box grouped with your model. 2) Don't put you model, touching the safe area border. 3) Don't use sketchup 8, because the "ray test" method is buggy in this new version. Hopefully that will get fixed in the next maintenance version of SU8. Do the previous corrections(1 & 2) and gcode should generate. But you see it is messed up. Use SU7. -Kwok
This seems to be the problem. I ran into this the other day because I had the model touching the edges of the safe cutting area. After I moved it off a little it worked perfect. Mark and Trish
Blade mSR Heli canopy mold Hey guys for the PhlatLAB show last night we were going to mold a custom made canopy for the Blade mSR heli you guys got for us on Christmas (love that heli) Phlatform it and paint it from the inside. But I was feeling bad (headache from the weather change) and went in to lay down and slept right through, sorry about that. Feeling much better this morning though. So I made a copy of the mSR (found in the 3D warehouse) and exploded and deleted everything around the canopy. I then cut the canopy in half and laid the two halves on their sides and stuck them to the top of a 2" transparent box. Now you don't have to use 2" its just what I had here so I kept the canopy to the top of the block. Drew in the side walls to make it one with the box and deleted the top area covering the mold section. Once the model was connected to the top of the mold I used the extrude(pull) tool to give myself a little lip for over lapping the plastic like they have on the original. Finally I selected the entire box and changed the color to a gray color to see better. Set up my parameters and ran the Phlat3D plugin. I did get the mold complete and wanted to test it with the Phlat3D multi pass feature using a 1/16 long dremel burr bit. Started the cut at 200 ipm (I slowed it down to 100 ipm) with 1/4" multi pass step downs. The code was perfect! Nice work on the new release Jovian no gouges at all! The cutting came out perfect and did not take too long to do. After the cutting was complete I poured in some plaster of Paris and waited to de-mold it until today. My mix for the plaster was way to wet and it was still soft. But of course I attempted to de-mold it any way and broke it! I plan on using at lease one side of this mold to check my measurements and make sure everything lines up like the original on. If it does I am going to add some guns on the side of the next version and make it look mean and combat ready for the indoor fly-in Here are a few pics and the code for those wanting to give it a try and want to make custom Blade mSR canopy molds. Have fun Mark and Trish Attached files Heli Canopy Mold BladeMSR.skp (1.1 MB)Â Heli Canopy Mold2 BladeMSR.cnc (2.2 MB)Â
I really appreciate the help, Kwok. Sadly, I'm not getting anywhere. I tried using the advice on both the STL and DXF imported files starting in SU7.0. The Ruby script still locks up. I then generated a new file using SU alone without any imports for a simple block with a recess on the surface. The Ruby script locks up. I'm wondering if I'm somehow screwing up where I place the solid. The model is 3/4" thick to mimic the 3/4" EPS I'm planning on cutting. In the Phlat parameters setup, I'm setting the material to 3/4" as well. Is this incorrect. The basic 7.0 SU model is attached for reference. Regards, Darwin Attached files block_3d_test.skp (12.3 KB)Â
Darwin, Yes, you are supposed to set the material height to the same as your model's height. I seem to have problems with sketchup hanging, too. Doesn't seem to happen if I set the overlap to like 90-100% for that file. Lets see what other's report? You can try my test file. It seems to hang, too. But finishes in about 40 seconds on my pc: Attached files my 3d test.skp (28.4 KB)Â
Kwok: Good advice. I downloaded your test file and ran it through the Phlat3D in 7 no problem, no delay and it spat out good Gcode. I pulled up my STL test and reset the step to 100 percent and it actually ran through to generate code! It was way slower than yours but still finished out. I then ran the code on the machine and it was working. The 100% step was leaving a thin nib of foam in one direction only, which was kind of cool and kind of annoying at the same time, but it was running! Then the cog on one of my rollers popped loose and all the fun stopped for the evening. So, once again, two steps forward, one back. Will have to glue the cog back on before I can re-install the roller and get going again. In the meantime, I'll play with the step size a bit and see if I can use less than 100%. Darwin
At 30% i hated the lines left by the bit.... I cant imagin 100% Lowered to 20% and im happy with the 1/16 bit . Smooth as silk
Well all I have to say something that we all know the MKIII is freaking AWESOME!! So heres why: For the last two days I have ran the MKIII virtually nonstop for 10 hours each day. Why you may ask. To make a solid two meter wing. Now Hotwire would have been faster yes, but also smellier, the wing would have had to be broken down in two pieces. I couldn't have place channels for the spar, and most importantly I couldn't have tested how large of a piece I could have hollowed out. To give you an idea of times each sides g code took about 2 hours to generate and 10 hours to run. Here are some pics. All that is left is to sand it baby butt smooth and put some wbpu on it. Attached files
Darwin, I just tried your file and it completed just fine for me. the square you have is 1foot by 1 foot in size so it will take a bit to run. It completed in about a minute for me and used about 600MB of memory. I am sorry about the script seeming to hang on larger files. If you don't click any other program while its running the status bar in sketchup seems to update. If you click anywhere though Sketchup will no longer update itself and I have no way of giving you feedback in the script. What I have used to determine if something is running is the task manager. You will see the sketchup process at a large cpu percentage (1 full cpu's worth) and the memory size changing frequently 60Mb, 90, 150, 200, 100, 50, ...... If the memory becomes stagnat here I generally have assumed its frozen. You will also see a plugin-container process running. If this is all greek to you leave it run for a while and check back. I have found that if Sketchup is really stuck it will throuw an error/crash bug report in about 15 minutes time. Attached files block_3d_test.cnc (50.9 KB)Â
Thanks, Jovian! I worked some things out in chat tonight with the guys and everybody's just takes a while to gronk through. I've successfully completed several runs now, one based on an STL file import and several based on native SketchUp generated surfaces. I should be posting pictures tomorrow of a far less impressive project than your wonderful 2-meter wing. Congrats on that, btw. Awesome test subject for a great tool! Regards, Darwin