Then it's not installed correctly. The Resource and Tools folders should overwrite the corresponding folders in the Sketchup folder, if you are using the zip files. What os?
I have windows 7 I just uninstalled sketchup and manually cleaned it all up restarted then reinstalled then restarted again now I don't want to go any further without knowing what I am doing I watched the video and did what it said unless I missed something. LOL
ok I have got it in there had to do the manual install now to just do my homework and figure it all out. Thank You
I just explained how to install it with the zip file. Why don't you give the exe installer a try? I assume that should be full proof, although I have never installed that way. [edit]
OK guyz...maybe I am just blind..but I just output my first cut file with V.0924, and I noticed G61 isn't in the *.CNC file. I had to add it manually. I read the release notes, specifically: - added G61 Exact Stop Gcode option (change "$use_exact_path" value in Constants.rb) and when I look thru the "Constants.rb" file, I don't see "$use_exact_path" to change the value... What am I missing? Do I need to add that line and set it equal to "True" to get G61 included in my *.CNC files? Thanks, Tim AG4RZ
Tim its on line 196 almost at the bottom, all you do is change that to = true and your good to go Mark and Trish
Mark..I don't know how I missed that...Geez...Course, using notepad++ made it allot easier to find! Tim AG4RZ
I love notepad ++ and use it all the time. I was hoping that when window 7 was released its notepad would be more like it but it did not change at all. Although I do like the now calculator Mark and Trish
Hi there. I'm trying to test .924 script but I can't change any parameters. All I get is empty window with edit boxes. Even OK and Cancel buttons are not working. But I think that other tools are working. I use SU8 on Win7 Ultimate.
I can't think of anything, but I am still using winxp. There is a compatible dialog box that you can use until you figure it out, which is an input box instead of a web dialog. Type "$use_compatible_dialogs = true" into the ruby console to try it out temporarily. If you want it permanent, then make the change at the bottom of the Constants.rb file, where it saids "PhlatScript Features" -Kwok
Oh, I did think of one thing. Try running the parameters tool with the ruby console open and see if there are any error messages displayed.
I have windows 7 ultimate. Sketchup 8 and 7 show the parameters box just fine. It sounds like you have something off in the installation.
Hi everyone, I am brand new to this forum plus I know little about computers. I downloaded SU8 and it seems to work fine. I then downloaded "PhlatScript" as a plug-in and unzipped it. How do I get the plug-in into SU8? Johnatwork
Welcome to the forum. There is a video and pdf instructions in the first post here:
Thank you Shaun for your assistance. I did as you suggested but could not get the video to I went to my windows explorer and found the unzipped file for "phlatscript". I moved a copy to the "plug ins" file of Sketch up. I then opened sketch up and could not find phlatscript any where. Does it make a difference if I have the Free version of Sketchup? John
It's been a while since I did this( and I don't have it loaded here at work to double check), but I believe Kyyu wrote a simple installer batch. Also once all the files are in the right places, you have to enable the plug-in within SU. And yes it works GREAT in the free version.
Hey John, Make sure the Phlatboyz folder and the phlatboyztools.rb file are in the "tools" folder then make sure the phlatboyz.strings file is placed in Resouces/en-us folder. After this you need to open Sketchup, click on the windows tab and go to preferences. Click on extensions and make sure the Phlatboyz tools is checked. Restart sketchup and you should be good to go.
John, the unzipped files go in sketchup's main folder, not the plugin folder. That should be the "Google SketchUp 8" folder, since you are using SU8. btw, another tip is you can download that video. There is a link there. I have trouble with the video not loading in the player, also. -Kwok
Hey Guys...thanks a million for all your help. I just got things working in Sketchup, produced a G-Code as a test and it worked I think. I have not figured out how to get the tool icons to show up on the tools pain in sketch up yet but I can get to them by clicking tools tab and then going to Phlatboyz tab then picking the tool. John
KYYU; As I don't know your real name ... I just wanted to say thank you for your assistance. It was just that simple, I turned "on" the tool bar and poof there it was. Do I feel silly??? Thank you again. I have a big old Zerox 5818 photo copier that I keep thinkin I should take parts out of to create a CNC of some sort. It's been just a dream for a long time. I am slowly learning stuff by lurking in forums. I am a professional picture framer and fine art broker so I haven't had much to contribute to these forums. You folks are always so helpful and that impresses me. Thank you again, John
How do we get the help(?) button to work again? Sorry but I've forgotten SketchUcam? Where is that? I've installed 924 but can't find the 'about' info for verification.