The covered version was built out of dollar tree foam, I never flew it because I ended up building one of 2ml depron(thats all I had on hand) and it flew fine on micro 4 site guts. All the carbon was from the 4 site as well. Just remember to keep it light, go easy on the glue and you will be fine I have a similar sized epp plane running the same motor/esc and it 3d's fine, so a 3ml version should work out good.
thanks a lot, I hope to be able to send some pics and flight report soon, we're still waiting for the HK stuff, but it's already shipped. Just a pitty we don't have any of your beautiful cutting machines, this will be a classical knife-job.
I made one of the small ones of these for a fellow flyer who has a broken 4-site. He is giving me some small brushless motors and 2.5 gram servos in exchange for the sheet of depron. Maybe i'll try to do a 75% scale one.
Hi guys, I'm finished as well, not only with one but even with 2 versions of the micro-one: - version #1 finished 2 weeks back, everything according to the plan including the side-force generators (or what the hell they are called), brakes and landing-gear. Positioned the battery in the upper part. First flight indoor in a lecture room with lots of chairs, projectors, cameras, etc. Pretty stupid idea - I had the impression to begin again with RC, I was not able to control the plane, some 3 seconds and bang :-( Then again and again. The next day, tried it outdoor, with pretty much the same results. An experienced modeller was with me but even he was not able to keep it in the air. Results: messed-up nose, broken fuse, dissapointment. - version #2 finised last week with the following modifiations: -- moved the batter to the bottom part, this helped A LOT to stabilize the plane. -- no SFG (maybe will add them later) -- simpler brakes. -- stiffening the nose and motor mount with 4 pieces of 1x1x3cm EPP (helped a lot!) -- added some carbon to the nose. Tried it outdoor first and believe or not, it flies ! I have to get used to the micro-size and behavior very different from my bigger models, but it will work. Also have to get used to much more extensive use of the rudder. It can fly vertical and hoover, it looks that it hoovering is pretty easy with it. Flight times with the equipment mentioned before are something around 4 minutes, although I usually don't manage to keep it that long in the air Tonight, I go to try it to the hall for the 1st time, so cross your fingers ! I will post some photos of both versions, but probably on RC groups if you don't mind, I'll put a link here. Buk, thanks a lot for very nice design !
Cool, thanks for posting your results and mods. Myself, I have not tried flying the micro but it sounds pretty different than the bigger one. Waitin' on some pics.
the complete history of my micro is on RCG -- sorry for posting there, I know how to manage the attachments on RCG (would have to learn it here) and I also think it'll attract more readers there - I'd like to know what I did right and what I screwed up Thanks a lot again for the design! I wish I had one of your PhlatPtinters, but to be frank, the drawing and cutting was the easy part - installing the electronic and tuning everything took me much more time.
Managing attachments on this board is very similar to the way RCG handles it. The main difference is they way they are displayed to the viewer.
The mini piajet with 4site gear flew pretty well the other day. Cant hover but otherwise flys like the big one.
Thank you. I had no clue. I cut out the small version Mark posted only I opted for a small Turnigy outrunner, about a 5gm I guess, some dinky servos so I had to cut holes in to each wing for ailerons and in the fuse for elevator and rudder. Airplane is nearly ready to fly - lost of plumbing (wires) which is always with a small plane. I will use the battery position to establish the CG you recommended. Thanks for your reply and thanks to whomever designed this nifty little airplane. Going to use a 350mAh 2S - it does not weigh much. Happy New Year to you! Chuck
You are welcome, however, the CG I recommended was for the full sized version. I have never tried the smaller version. Maybe one of the other guys can help you out with the proper CG for that one.
Correctomento! It would have to adjusted for scale for sure. We'll make it work. Thanks again. By-the-way, how does the full size version fly? Interesting little airplane and maybe I would like to build one. Chuck
It flies really good. It goes where you point it and holds its attitude (position) rock eolid. I'm not much of a 3D pilot, but it hovers hands off. Give one a try...