I told him I hoped the scooped out the stubborned part You guys this is really awesome and to hear him you would not believe how great he sounds, this is truly a Christmas miracle! God Bless Dennis and God Bless all those who kept him in their prayers you guys are the greatest friends anyone could ever hope for. Merry Christmas to all! Mark and Trish
Great to hear! Dennis, still praying for you bud..you gotta make it to SEFF to see us all!!! Tim AG4RZ
New update! At 5:30 PM (California time) Christmas Eve, my wife drove me back into the garage of my own house! That means, less than 48 hours after open brain surgery (yep, there is a line of staples holding my scalp over the skull suture) I am done with that procedure and checked out of the hospital! Every therapy specialist saw me and tested whatever their functional expertise was, to their satisfaction, the brain surgeon and his associate, ever since I woke up and talked to M&T. They all agreed it was perfectly fine to let me go home, to a (bacterially) safer place. Dear Lord, we truly live in a wonderful age! Thank You, and thank all of you for asking for special guidance of the doctors hands (your prayers). I could actually feel the flood of love and warmth coming from all directions as they were rolling me into the operating room. I love you all.
WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dennis, I am SOO happy for you! I will keep praying for you speedy recovery. Just take it easy, and try not to think to much...don't want you popping a staple!
God bless modern medicine, to think, just a 100 years ago people died of stupid things like dental infection & apendicitis, now they can do brain surgery & be home in a coulpe of days, outstanding! I would have been so afraid, the doctors would have to sedate me to keep me from going awol, you seemed to face it with courage & strenght, damn I admire people with faith, as I have very little of my own. Glad to hear you made it home, I hope for a fast & painless recovery for you bro, Fred
Fred, I never looked for Faith, I searched for understanding. Once the void in my mind was filled (ignore the bad pun) then it was easy to lift the stone from my heart, which is where Faith resides. And I am shamed to think of myself as I have been. Now, lecture over. Thank you for your well-wishes! I feel phenomenally well, but my head feels like someone smacked me with a hammer. Owww!
Best Christmas present one could ever ask for... Glad to hear you made it thru it all and are back in your home. I think it was ole Frank who once sang a song... There's no place like home for the Holidays. I am sure you will agree.
Glad to hear that you are back home and doing well! Follow the doctors orders and don't over do it! Wishing you a speedy and uneventful full recovery. I didn't follow those words so well one time and had a very painful experience as a result. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Doug
Thank you meistertek, and everyone, for your kind thoughts, well-wishes and prayers! They are definitely helping.
Dennis, That's totally awesome! I was thinking that the description of the surgery sounded a lot like something the Phlatprinter IV could do Peter+
Here's another update, with some actual data from the doctors today. I met with the Lung Chemo specialist today. Pathology results are back, results are definite. Yes, it's Cancer. I'll start chemo in 2 weeks. The Doc said the tumor on my brain prob did not exist at all 3 months ago, definitely wasn't there for 6 months. Lung cancer prob wasn't there 6 months ago, at all. Aggressive cancer, ergo aggressive treatment. My wife cried - that part hurts the most, as I never want to make my wife cry. But she's been through it herself, so KNOWING what has been going on and what is on the schedule next will allow us to take this one day at a time. Now, here's a prayer for all of you - "Armed with the Power of Thy Name, nothing can ever hurt me, and with Thy Love in my heart, all the world's afflictions can, in no wise, alarm me."
Dennis thanks for the update. Mark and I will continue to keep you and your family in prayer. Stay strong. We are here for you whatever you may need. Let's get through this so you can get the obsevashed complete with dome.
Hey Big D, I hate to hear the bad news, and I understand what you feel for your wife, but with all the prayers from all of us, your faith, and God on your side, you'll work through this and be stronger than before. I believe, and you should too. We'll be praying.
Thank you all for your prayers. I don't want to thank each of you by name, but know that I love you and thank you. By the way, my and my wife's BLU cigarettes arrived today, and they taste great. The worst part about not having a cigarette is what to do with your hands, and all the social aspects of sitting together and talking. http://www.blucigs.com/
Another update. For those who don't want to know, please read no further. I went to my first Chemo-Therapy treatment today, a "doublet" of Alimta and Carboplatin. Apparently my kidney functions are excellent so they will start me out with the two chemicals that are the most preferred to treat my specific type of Lung Cancer. I will start Radiology treatments next Tuesday, every day for 15 minutes, for 21 days (M-F) I also got some real numbers for the prognosis for this type of Cancer. Untreated, the "average" lifespan is one to three months. Treated with chemo and radiology, the prognosis "jumps up" to six to nine months. It could almost be funny, if it wasn't so real. Well, it's been almost 5 hours since Chemo and I feel okay, so I'm going to a Baha'i Feast. ttyl.
Man, I hate news like this... I can't imagine what you are going thru Big D. Those numbers don't hold true for everyone. Keep the faith and we'll continue our prayers.
Dennis here is an uplifting testimony http://www.cancer.org/treatment/survivo ... tors-wrong There are a lot of survivors out there that were told their time was short. Read these and pull from their strengths. Like Buk says keep the faith and the fight. You are always in our prayers Mark and Trish
Mark, Thanks for the link. It's nice to read of others who understand that doctors may have very learned opinions, but the Final Word resides with God and emanates from the Spiritual Realms. Thank you all for your thoughts and Prayers.