Great tips Randy! Thank you for sharing them! I have been using your new settings and they are working well! Thanks again Mark and Trish
seems as the multi-rotors are getting popular....have you fellas seen this?? ... duct=17537
Thanks to Blindflight, I have one on the way! He was in line to get one and got me one while Trish and I were away I know its not a top of the line flight system but it should be good enough for a sport style quad. The reviews so far have been good. Mark and Trish
cool mark....i got me a new toy, its a x-aircraft x450. man this thing is so stable, ya can fly around like a plane...I'm getting t he nerve to do my first flip. it has the same electrics as my x650. man i don't know what one flies better lols.....randy.
Cool Randy! I just wish I had more time in a day to get all of them hooked up to the same frames and test them side by side. Mark and Trish