just cut the top of the tri-copter out....i used 9mm depron. i used 20% deep centerline cuts for the gyro pockets. the yaw gyro is all i have rite now, the fit is perfect...all the machine calibration is worth it when the fit comes out like it did. now i really dont have nothin to work on til the hardware arrives...besides mountin the hardware, it really isnt much of a build, lols. randy.
the nice fella "signguy" over on the e-zone with his original build thread that has been helping me said a fin would help forward flight. got busy again with bear's mangler.....mangled out a fin outta .093in. aircraft ply. used 20ipm cut feed with 5 multi passes. as far as the wood goes, for me the plywood seems to be a more robust wood than others i have cut ....it has more of a toughness it seems to me....the photo is kinda blurry for some reason...maybe im wearin out the camera, lols...randy
From the look of the fin your holding in relation to that flux-capacitor to the left of it! :mrgreen: Looks like it will be pretty large. I like the design of that fin (and that awesome computer ) Looks great Randy! BTW is that the 1/8" birch also? and does it get covered? Mark
Looks Awesome Randy, you always come up with the cool stuff!! Cant wait for the maiden of this BAD BOY John
john, thanks man...they tell me ther is a long wait on that boat from Hong Kong...thats alright thou....with age comes patience, lols. when ya get a certain age, ya don't do so much planning, lols. randy.
outside the motor mounts, the frame is completed....i may get some longer bolts and make a battery, camera mount combination tray....as of now the empty frame weighs in at 14.6oz. im not sure if that's heavy or not for this...i just built it like the fella over on the e-zone. now that i posted photos, i see i forgot to mount fin...i will mount after the motors, as not to mess it up on the location, lols. randy.
man i gotta tell ya....this connector cost me as much as the other hardware,lols. plus its so heavy...over a ounce, lols. the fella wasent real clear on the feed for the 3 speedys...i hope im on the right track. the wire i used is 13 gauge. randy.
Randy, You are on the money for the battery/speed controls hook up. Won't be long till the gear arrives, and you are flying! Tim AG4RZ
got the frame and everything i have mounted...still waitin on the motors, speed controllers, and gyros. i had to make a front battery shelf to balance the frame. all the remaining components will install symmetrically or "balanced". that's why i made a depron top to align and space the gyros right. and the motors, controllers will mount to arm evenly spaced. the power harness comes up thru center, and the plugs will be spaced between frame. this thing is way heaver than i figured when i started. but i hear they pick up allot of weight. randy.
Randy, is that 113.4 in oz or gr. I think the arrow is on the oz. If so, that's almost 7lib. That is way more heavy then what they guys in RCG reported of their tricopters. It will be higher when the motors are installed and the wires are run. I'll read through the thread again to see what they said on RCG. Edit: I just looked at the thread over there and on page 44, the last entry, he says that his all up weight, ready to fly, is 768gr, less than 28oz . He used PVC pipes for his arms. Never mind, Randy, I've got it once I put my glasses on. It's 1lib 13.4oz. While it's still heavy, it's not as bad as I've thought.
TigerPilot, im really not doin nothin extraordinary...the wiring harness weighed over a ounce alone.....i suppose i used to much solder, lols. one of the fellas said his would pick up 23oz. payload easy...we will see. randy.
Randy, since you are still waiting for the stuff from Hong Kong, I think it's a good idea to change the gyros location. Look at the picture in post 724 on page 49 in the RCG thread. I saw the picture and immediately saw the merit of it. Think of it as a normal plane with elevator and two aileron. Never mind that the motors are at 120°, it's still the ailerons. You could use only one gyro this way but I wouldn't, for the same reason we use two ailerons.
TigerPilot, yea , i have been following the thread very closely...as of far the gyros mounted "off axis" of the 120deg to 90deg isn't proven as far as im reading....i am still waitin for the official flight results...the one signguy built is a proven design so far. as soon as he says, man this is the way to go...i will remake depron top and put the gyros on the 90deg. like signguy shows in his videos, his a proven design, and maybe the gryos need this overlapping interaction to function rite. for now it seems as the gyros have to maintain the 120deg alignment as they only work on one axis...maybe this overlap is the key for the stable platform, im not smart enough to know, lols. i will just hang back waitin on my slow china ship to sail, and let them fellas hammer it out. the new depron top can be cut in 3 mins....man the beauty of the phlatty...lols. thanks for the heads up tiger...randy.
well fellas my hardware finally hit town today....missed the mailman thou, so i got to pick it up tomorrow morning.....swing by the hobby shop and get a few more deans...start soldering...real close to hoover test time.....randy.
the first time i ever dealt with hobby king....the truth is the box came rather timely, packaged great, everything top notch, at a inexpensive cost....any one that personally know me, knows i don't give idle praise....they just won over a new customer...anyhow for those who don't like to solder, forget this build, lols feels as i have been soldering all day. lols. all the motors, speedys, gyros all done, all i gotta do next is program, cut, and install motor mounts on the phlatty...also toe monkey forgot to get props...all you young people don't get old, lols. gettin close to a maiden hoover. randy.
Randy, I see you've studied your homework and extended the 3 motor wires instead of the battery wires. Shall we let others in on the secret? Longer DC wires produce a higher resistance and power loss - the three wires to the motor, instead, are high-frequency AC and can be extended over 10 feet with little effect to the motor function or battery performance. (I learned that in an online article about a huge flying squid or octopus or dolphin or something.) :geek:
Randy, You are kicking some butt on this build you really got this put together quick. All the parts have their homes looks nice. Great job Mark
all left to do is mount the three motor mounts, and install props...everything minus 3 props weighs in at 44.6oz. man its a pork chop, but i built it like the fella on the e-zone....and i even used lighter, more powerful motors. his has 600watts and mine will be 735watts... he has said he can lift tons of weight with his....we will see, lols. the prop thing might be a set back, if the LHS don't have what i need. i will get the mounts on tomorrow. randy.
Dorsal, from what I have read, the main reason you don't extend the battery side is that you can damage the esc due to voltage spikes. If you make the battery wire longer, then you need to add a bigger capacitor to compensate. I don't know how it affects your theory, but also our type of esc is dc. Anyways, this topic is argued alot and I don't mean for it to happen here. For more info, read for example: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=952523 Randy, good job. Looks like it's about ready to go.
While I'm quite sure that it will take off at this weight, I think you'll have a shorter flight-time as a penalty for the extra weight. The upside is it will be more stable. What motors are these, Randy? The ones for $14? Hobby City is a great place to shop unless you run into a problem. Customer service is the pits. Bin there, done it, bought the T-Shirt. Also, if a part is defective, it's cheaper for you to throw it away and buy a new one than trying to send it back.