Shaun, i was thinking of just 1, with the "fat part" going to the front. it maybe only be me, but when i flew the maiden, the longer i flew, the more the same it started to look, lols. its like my mind went to the shape, rather than the orientation colors for some reason. randy.
well mark, i have not totally made up my mind original is to make a mold of the polywog design i i have thoughts of a stealth fighter style angular type construction i can cut from depron. i talked to hector, and he told me he sent my chip on the of now I'm not sure. i got to get the phlatty back online and mess around. i tried to draw up the triangular stealth fuse, but my sketchup skills are lacking as you know, lols. i think i can do it without glue tabs thou.randy. original design..
That's going to be cool looking Randy! I think something like this would kick Its always a lot easier to model half and then glue two halves together Mark
this is a drawing of my stealth tri top...i drew up but i took apart and cannot connect it back together again...when i flatten out I'm not sure the best way to cut out. if anyone has any ideas, feel free to help, as i am just stumbling. randy. Attached files tri-top point.skp (21.3 KB)Â
Here's what I came up with Randy using a 1/16" bit See if that works out for you. Hope this helps Mark Attached files tri-top point.cnc (5.9 KB)Â tri-top point.skp (206.9 KB)Â
wow!! thanks mark. i was not sure what one would be better to try...i will cut both and see what one is easier to glue up. i will keep updated, thx again, randy.
no mark...that was the reason for the stealth triangular cowl. as i was researching the vacuum plastic methods, i figured out that is was going to cost me some money to heat the oven broke years ago, and never replaced know i got my priorities, lols. lipos, models, radio gear, lol..i can always do a glass lay-up, but, then i got the stealth idea. thinkin it would be cool to make a depron top on the phlatty, instead of making a plug on it. so as of now unless i can build a cheap heater, i plan on just cutting the depron. sorry for the long answer lol...also i kinda wish i made my z-axis around 4in. travel when i had tore apart. randy.
LOL I know that feeling! Why don't women understand this!? JK Trish is totally on board and that is more then I could ever ask for! You can always use the stove top burner and make an aluminum foil pan that would dissipate the heat. I thought about the bigger z but then I realize to get foam locally in most places you would have to...whoa wait a minute a big turkey just walked by the window! I am going to try to get a pic.. they are so skittish... Ok sorry about that. Got the pic! Ok where was I.. to get foam locally around here you can get it from Lowe's in 2" thickness and then you would nee to glue it. I really did not want the glue gumming up the bits as you carved through. So I thought the bet thing to do would be to carve half at 2" and then the remaining 2" half then glue them together. I know that you can get thicker foam but its more of a hassle for most people and keeping the z cg as low as possible was a good trade off of accuracy as you move it farther away your going to run into issues. Mark Turkey Pics Attached files
kram242, cool seeing them turkeys....reminds me of visiting my parents in mid Michigan...they would have 25-30 come in at a time....they were far from skiddish...after my mom called them, she would feed them, lols. randy.
Every time I have wanted to get a pic of these guys they take off running and ma they are quick! That was fun getting a pic of them. Who knows maybe they are getting used to us now Mark
my mother would throw out some corn then call them in by scratching a stick on a piece of roof shingle she had.....i mean they would come runnin in like a stampede...they knew it was dinner time, lols. randy.
That's too cool! i have to give that a try. The neighbors have the corn out there and they get real close to their house. Mark
kram242, after time, they will sense you wont harm mother really loved them.....i think they loved her back, they would allow her to get real close, but would let her pet them...BTW, still waitin on a chip, lols. maybe they got tighter border control on the Mexicans, lols. my china order came fast...randy.
some fellas are interested in the are all the files and drawings i have. randy. Attached files tricopterframe.skp (287.1 KB)Â tricopterframefoamtop.cnc (14 KB)Â tricopterwoodframe.cnc (189.4 KB)Â
thanks mark, but the files aren't a big deal...actually they prolly could be made much better...wile i wait on my controller chip, i am working on some white strobe lights on the front two arms. along with the nose piece, it will have airplane like orientation. i think im colorblind a lil or something...after flying for a few minutes the arm colors left, and i was just focusing on the was weird. next flight i will try to get video. randy.
OK, i want to go on record to say this the single most ghetto thing i have ever at a stand still waitin for my z-Axis chip...i figured i would look at strobe lights today...Tower, like thinkin man what a rip off. jumped in the old truck and headed to radio shack.. ther i got 2-10mm ultra bright leds, and a single blinking led unit. the unit was $3.99 and the leds were $2.59 each. so for around $10 the old monkey started a rippin....first ripped apart the single flashing unit, scavenged the switch, and little control board, a little soldering, and presto my new tri-copter has strobe lights...i am going to mount on the front arms, to help with orientation. after i get my chip, i am gonna cut some cute led mounts,and make the nose piece. randy