Wow Randy, that's pretty smooth flying!! Great job!! Now, explain why besides the three (Piezo )gyros, you have to use the 401? I need to understand that and also, can the 401 be replaced with a fourth Piezo? Thanks, AL
al, the 3 telebee gyros control the 3 speed controls for the stability...the 401 i have controls the yaw servo only...over in the e-zone they are talking about gyros that work with the speed controls that work better than the telebees...i only used the 401 on the yaw because i had it, and it controls a servo, not the speedy. yea, 4 telebees can be used. randy.
yea mike, i have seen that is really cool. i just have to wait to for the weather to get warmer to fly mine, because of the gyros. the electronics in them are nice with the GPS flights and all...thanks for posting. randy.
tweak, as always the fellas, and Trish know that they have the freedom to post in any of my threads. as time goes on, you will see the phlatboyz forum is a different and truly unique place for everyone to talk freely. since the time i have joined mark and trish's forum, i have seen new ideas devolop from such open talk. randy.
Thanks Randy, This forum is certainly the most friendly. I have already learned a great deal from the ideas given and also from the many links posted and although all my profile cutting is done from the top down I am now seriously considering fitting a roller drive system (as an ad-on to my Y Axis) to allow longer lengths of material to be handled. Then I will be able to cut the same things as you Guys and Gals. Tweakie
I was blown away by the flips too What I thought was really cool was the real time Mat-lab data stream! That's incredible Mark
finally, the weather in Michigan has seemed to break has got up to 48deg f. spring is on its way....anyhow, i got a few models out to fly today, including the tricopter. this is the first "real" flight. i have hoovered in the backyard, but this is the first outing, i have no heli flying skills, but managed a good first flight. the tricopter seemed to like 4 cells better than 3 for some reason....i have to say this thing is a ball....and a change of pace from the planes. this is the video, I'm sorry its so poor. wish i had a good camera, lols. anyhow, here it is...randy.
Wow Randy I love the way this thing moves! It really looks like something from another world. Great project and super job on it. Thank you for sharing this Mark
finally had some time to cut my tricopter cowl top...i plan on some fiberglass for now, to maybe use it for a phlatformer plug. i have some friends that are building tricopters also. it would be cool to vacuum some plastic top cowls for them. mark had a good idea of cutting the female mold, and filling it with plaster for a plug. i might end up trying that method. i donno...this is the top cowl cut. it took around 45 mins to do. randy.
NICE Randy!That came out great looking! The pictures at the end really show how well it came out. Mark
Randy, I don't remember if you've already mentioned it somewhere, but what program do you use to generate the g-code?
this quad gave me some future ideas for the bad the thing isnt as stable as the tricopter, lols.
got the first layer of glass on the tricopter cowl....i have one more layer to do, then i will paint. i am thinking of trying to vacuum mold some 3mm depron over it before the paint thou...i donno yet, lols. flew the tri in the backyard again today, i have to admit its a riot, as its a new kind of flying for me. randy.
That's crazy looking with the lights on it! Cool video Randy thanks for sharing it. Its weird that its not very stable because you would think with the added motor you would have even more stability. The cowl is coming along great, are you thinking of carving it out with a hot wire loop? Mark
mark, as of now, im not sure....i want to leave it solid if i want to try drawing plastic, or depron over it.... now that you ask .....i will just hollow out and use, and if i want to try vacuum forming, i will cut a female and fill the cavity with plaster like you suggested. randy.
Cool deal Randy . That way you may find a different design or changes to this one you want to make ahead of time. After looking that the one with the lights on it, I thought it would be cool to have a mold for a vacuumed formed cowl that had the indents for some leds molded into it. You could hot glue them from the back and put a small deans plug for easy removal. Sorta like like front end of a concept car. You should be able to give the plastic a good paint job too.
yea we need more fellas building the tricopter...i would bet we would see all kinds of cool stuff. some fella over in the zone built in raised motors to lower the center of gravity....he shot video of flying in 30mph wind...and it is just as stable as mine. randy.