That did come out nice Randy! Looking at the pics it looks like you have a pipe inside a pipe for the pivot? Nice flying brother! Mark and Trish
thanks mark, its a very slow process for me to learn to fly again, lols.... the main arm has a brass tube with a wood dowel epoxied into it. that is epoxied into another wood dowel that is glued into the main arm. the pivot part has two acetel bushings for the brass rod. then ther is a keeper on the end. please excuse the crummy machining....everything was done ghetto style with hand tools, as the new plant supervisor forbids private machining with company equipment...peace, randy.
Randy you are going to think I am the dullest crayon in the box but I still do not understand how this is working! I do understand the concept of the pivot on the rod, but is there a way you could show me a video of it moving? so I can see how it all work together and how the end is held on. That would help a lot.. Thanks brother for taking these pics and sharing them. I really want to build one of these they are the coolest looking thing I have seen in a long time Mark and Trish BTW That stinks about the plant supervisor rule!
mark, the yaw pivot is kinda like thrust vectoring, except the gyro controls it. it can be flown in rate mode or heading hold. i preffer heading hold, as the tail will not rotate until radio input is givin for new direction change. peace, randy.
I made these parts awhile ago. Here are some pics of parts I made for my Tri-Copter. I'm making two, using different sizes tubing . One is T-rex 700 tail boom and the other is a 500. "White parts" are made out of Acetal Rod & sheet like Randy made. Motors are 750Kv and prop on is used for show. Attached files
blindflight, very sweet man!!!! the acetal is very hard to size to me, but it has a very unique wear and slide capability, that to me for a bushing can't be beat. its just a real bugger to size.....its real temperature reactant....but its worth it, its good stuff. ....btw hows your tri and quad flying?? randy.
Man you guys are amazing! I love these setups! Thank you for taking the time to share them. Now I have a better understanding of how it all works. Thanks again Mark and Trish
Thanks for the comments, the acetal was some round stock scrape I used and no coolant used to cut. I have seen it being sold at stores on line. I just trimmed it down on our lathe to fit into the inside. The ideal thing is to just get the stock slightly bigger and trim down the rest. This stock piece had a center whole already in it so I just drilled it to size also. thanks..
Been messing around with some "Tri-copter Frames" I did a variation of material to see what the weight would come out as & pro's & cons. Attached files
very nice frames me a new quad kit....its a xaircraft x650. just got done slappin together. came with a camera mount also, just gotta find time to install. going to take the quad, and tri out this thinking all me planes are grounded for now, lols. these are to much fun...randy.
He Randy ! Thanks for the kind words .. I like your X-650 , really slick looking. The company is near me (whare house)... I like to hear more when you get her flying..
NICE Randy! That looks just like a military UAV! Very cool brother Good luck with the maiden Mark and Trish
iflyos, i recently listened to the crash cast...."thanks mike, dennis" and you were talking about fpv. this is something i am very interested in, but i have know knowledge of. please feel free to post some info a idiot like me can understand, lols. or better yet start a thread on fpv once you get your fpv system going good. the heap is so large over in rc groups, i cant figure nothing out, lols. thanks, randy.
Randy, All Things That Fly just did a show (episode #166) with scrtsqrl from RCGroups. He has been flying FPV for at least 5 years. Here are a couple of links from the show notes. FPV Starter Info Some humble advice for newbie FPV pilots Link to the show: Tim
I recently got in touch w/ randy here in Michigan and he said "Sign up for the forums !!!" So here I am. I have been procrastinating for about a year now on building a Tricopter. I splurged and bought everything from electronic wise from Hobbyking. 45 days shipping is slow, but gives me plenty of time for the frame. I stole the plans from boopido. The smaller of the 2 sections goes on top allowing room for a camera. I misread the plans for them and made the frame out of 1/2 ply instead of 1/4 in. It really isnt that heavy, but alot sturdier. I also had a sheet of aluminum that is real sturdy laying around so I cut it using the wood as a template. My question, I got it the aluminum looks alot better, what would you go w/? I will eventually FPV I heard the aluminum might mess w/ the signal? Vibrations carry through the metal easier than the wood I think. I did get some rubber washers to put on the screws that hold the arms on, will I still get vibrations? (I plan on balancing the motors and props). You can see the arms in the back of the picture. 1/4 U-shaped stock aluminum. Interested in what you guys think. Clay P.S. I need to buy a scale ! Attached files
welcome clay....i would remake the frame plates from 1/4 thick ply. 1/2 is way to heavy...also the wood frame center will adsorb and have nicer qualities than the aluminum. randy.
Welcome to the Phlatforum Clay! I love these quadcopters and soon you guys will have me sucked into this new branch of the hobby I agree with Randy on this one I think the 1/2 will be too heavy as well. If you want sturdy with out all the weight maybe some of that G10 circuit board material? or even PVC? Just my 2 cents Mark and Trish
1/16" G10 fiberglass sheet is hecka strong and stiff, and can easily be cut with good tin-snips and sanded to shape. I bought a few sheets from McMaster-Carr a couple years ago, but I prefer the thinner 1/32" stuff for control horns and kite panel templates. ... ts/=a6piua
Hey Clay, Also, check your local "Plastic's" manufacture. They will have scraps of different material a lot cheaper. They usually have a discount / scrap section at a reduced cost. AL
Hey, I've never implied that McMaster was inexpensive, but it is a great place to find nearly everything for building stuff. :geek:
I actually went to radio shack yesterday in hoping to buy some PC board, the sheets they had were just to small. I wish I thought of plastic. I just got done cutting out my 3rd and final frame out of 1/4 inch ply. It is very light and somewhat sturdy. I dont like how it chips when i run my drill press through it. But I am just sanding it down around the edges. The arms are drilled and the yaw control is being epoxyed as we speak. Again I think I went to heavy and used 2x brass bushings and a large pin. It has zero slop, rides on rails, but feels as heavy as all 3 arms put together. I am usually pretty handy DIYing everything around the house, but I am used to working with projects that do not concentrate on weight so much. Thanks for the input, I will upload a picture of the frame all bolted together possibly tonight. I dont think the arms are long enough either. It is hard to measure other tripcopter arms in photographs. Clay edit : The arms are 16 1/2 in on center
Heres the frame all together. I dont know how much it weighs but im scared. Hobbyking says all of my parts are in the pacific somewhere. Attached files