Hi All, I soloed in a J3 Piper Cub a long time ago when I was 17 years old and flew on several windy days when it was possible to "sit still up there facing into the wind." By backing off on the throttle it was also possible to give people on the ground the impression I was flying backward. Somewhat off my intended topic because I would like to invite anybody who is interested to go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pop-pop-steamboats/ where the current home page picture shows an overpriced toy made by adults with special needs. Cost in the UK £12.95 (about $21.65 plus freight for people who don't live in the UK for a very simple wooden boat 17 cm long (about 6 11/16 inches). There are probably a few adults with special needs like jobs or money who might be interested in producing R/C boats with sails and auxiliary coiled tube steam engines that could be fired up remotely. This could be done by using servos to push buttons or slides on small butane fired gadgets with hammers that strike piezoelectric crystals just after valves have opened to establish a flow of butane gas. Releasing the buttons or slides closes the valves. Good sources of "design inspiration" can be found online in catalogs of small waterline models that maritime war game players use for markers. I can provide URLs for catalogs if anybody would like to see them. Best wishes, Frank frankmcneilll@gmail.com
Hi Frank, Doing a foam sailboat has been on my list of 'things I want to do when I get time' for a month or more now. You inspired me to get off my duff and get started, so last night I put together plans for a small sailboat made from FFF and I cut it out this morning. I am in the process of gluing the pieces together now. I will post the details in the boat section when I get a little further along.
Here is a 24" sailboat I built a long time ago. It's made from 1" thick wood board (layed horizontal), bread & butter method. The keel is lead. I chiseled out a wood mold and cast it myself. I gave it away a few years ago, because I never did have any idea how to sail it. I did try one time and it did float, at least. Attached files
Hi All, Go to http://tinyurl.com/7l75d for information about control wing flying boats that were controlled in about the same way that hang gliders are controlled. Best wishes, Frank
Frank that is a cool looking craft for sure! You come up with the coolest stuff! thank you for sharing Mark
Thanks Mark, Members who are interested in building RC ship and boat models might be interested in using some of the small waterline models that maritime war gamers use as markers. They don't have all the small details of large scale models, which might be an advantage for constructing models that are made mostly of rigid foam. Here are three sources for kits with cast parts that could be assembled and painted to resemble boats shown in the photo galleries. Bay Area Yards 1/600 model ironclads http://bayareayards.virtualscratchbuilder.com North Head Miniatures 1/1200th ironclads and more http://www.nhminiatures.com Thoroughbred Models 1/600th scale white metal miniatures http://www.thoroughbredmodels.com/ Best wishes, Frank