Not sure if this is a bug or something I am doing wrong. I've experienced this at some point with all version of the Phlatscript I have used. What happens is that it does not always create all the cut lines and also does not finish writing the code. If you look at the attached file you will see what I mean. There is a section of the nose that is not there and the code never homes the axis's at the end of the script. It doesn't happen all the time but quite often. Attached files BN Fuse only.cnc (12.6 KB)Â
I have had something very similar. If I zoomed to extend ( the zoom tool that shows the whole drawing) I see that there is a point associated with the part WAY out in left field. Not sure why. When zoomed like that it shows a line going from the open section in the part to the point, and then back to the other end of the open section of the part. These lines do not show when zoomed in normally. To get around this I copy the part to a new drawing,. Interestingly enough if you only select the drawing with a selection box ( not including the mystery extra point), copy to a new drawing and try to apply Phlatcode you get the same thing. Anyway to get around this I take the copied part in the new drawing and remove the lines on either side of the missing piece and the missing part( even thought you can see the missing part in the SU drawing) and re-draw the 3 lines. I'm sure I didn't explain that too well, but I don't have any examples to post as they are now fixed, and not saved. Not sure if this is the issue, but try the zoom extend in the SU drwaing and see if there is an extra point. Also Another time I have seen missing lines in the gcode is if a part is on the limit lines set by the Phlat script. If I move the grouped parts off of that line, the line is back in the Gcode. Don't think that's the problem where due to where the missing line is, but thought I would mention as another source of a missing line.
Also, when you click on the icon to create the PhlatCode, you MUST WAIT until it is complete before you start doing something else in Sketchup. The program will popup with a message screen saying it has finished. If you don't wait, your next keystroke will STOP the g-code creation process - mid-cut, mid-height, whatever. Go refill your coffee cup and give it a moment to finish.
At times I never get the popup message stating that it is finished. I've even tried refilling my coffee, having dinner, taking a shower, walking the dogs, and putting my daughter to bed and it still never shows the pop up message. Maybe I'm still not waiting long enough. Just so it's does not do this all the time. I have a feeling that it is something I am doing wrong but don't know what it is.
From what I've seen, if the message doesn't pop up, the g-code generation failed (for some obscure "no, we're not going to tell you why" reason) and I'll double-check my model then generate the g-code again. It has always popped-up the message when I got good code. :roll:
Did you check the drawing in SU for the extra point? Mine has also never failed to generate the Gcode ( actually the longest it has taken is maybe 8-10 seconds) Don't always get the results I want, but it always generates the code.
Yes I did check it for an extra point. Couldn't find anything. I did try copying the parts and pasting them in a new SU window. Applied the gcode and it worked. There must be something in the original file that I can't see that is causing the script to hang. Hopefully I'll figure it out because I don't want to have to copy and paste these everytime I want to generate the code. At this pont I'm thinking that it is not in the Phlatscript and must be something else
I've experienced all the above. I've found that the window must pop up saying it's finished for the Gcode to be created properly. If the window doesn't ever pop up, there is probably a line in the drawing that isn't perfectly flat, or grouping was not done properly( everthing must be exploded before adding any of the phlatscript cut lines). I have found that by using the flatten to 2d plugin on the problem spots fixes thing 9 times out of 10. Hope this helps, Shaun
If you haven't deleted it, maybe post your original sketchup file to help figure out what's going on.
Looks like something was up with your safearea. I moved the two pieces outside of the safe area, "lasso"'ed the safe area and deleted it. I made a new safe area the default size and then moved the two pieces back into the safe area. I then exported the gcode and I got the messagebox saying the output file was created. Seems like some additional error-checking is needed somewhere.
Well that would certainly explain why it worked when I copied and pasted in a new su window. I never did try deleting the old safe cutting area but I did try changing the size. I also just tried the flatten to 2d plugin on the original file and it generated the code perfectly. Not sure what I am doing wrong because I get this quite often. If it's just a matter of appling the 2d plugin or redoing the safe cutting area I guess that's ok. Thanks to all that responded. Appreciate it.
Can't get it work completely in wine. here's my conversion/installation script: #backup originals mkdir backed_dos_rb cp -r phlatboyztools.rb PhlatBoyz.strings Phlatboyz/*.rb backed_dos_rb/ #convert dos2unix -d phlatboyztools.rb dos2unix -d Phlatboyz/*.rb dos2unix -d PhlatBoyz.strings #remove old installed rm ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Tools/phlatboyztools.rb rm -Rf ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Tools/Phlatboyz/ rm ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Resources/en-US/PhlatBoyz.strings #install new converted cp phlatboyztools.rb ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Tools/ cp -r Phlatboyz/ ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Tools/ cp PhlatBoyz.strings ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Resources/en-US/ Parameters dialogue is not working. might be because of script in HTML file (as in pict : no string, no value, buttons not working) --------------------------- neither "goto phlatboyz homepage" err:winebrowser:get_url_from_dde Unable to retrieve URL from string L""" err:winebrowser:wmain Usage: winebrowser URL or "Open phlatscript Help" button in the toolbar. EDIT: wine bug 491186, not phlatscript problem ------------------------- The cut buttons seems ok though also in the help.html file missing image, line 298 images/Phlatboyz_homepage_large.png" should be images/phlatboyz_homepage_large.png" Attached files
Version 14 broke my plunge tool changes incorporated into V13. The icon change is pretty, but somehow the gcode also got changed and now it no longer produces the plunge gcode for multiple plunges. Also, the plunge gcode comments are not present.
Pete found an error with the safe cutting area and he is sending the fix to me today to re-post. Mark
I like the look of the new parameter box. I find the last parameter, safe hight, should not be called that now that there is a plunge tool and hight would be associated with the z-axis. I think it the parameters for the safe area should be 'safe length' and 'safe width'. Yoram
Why does the center-line tool takes the whole face and not just the line I'm clicking on? What do I have to do different? Yoram
I have not run into that problem yet but I will look into it a little more and see if can get the same results. It maybe a bug. If so Ill will see if one of the guys can look at it for us. Thanks Mark
I am using Google chrome as my default web browser and when I run the script I get this error message. I believe it has to do with the feed back box. Most functions work but the safe area keeps getting really small any time I adjust any setting. I also found that the plunge tool doesn't work if your move, copy, * by any number to create an array. It seems to randomly pick what plunges to do. I like the V tabs but maybe the tabs need to be wider or the depth set to 0 because my PP just ate a sheet of foam because the parts fell out. Attached files