gasmasher, thank you. Glenn (gadman58) sent me a PM in January pointing to the same file, and also told me to go to ... color.html to look up what colors and color names are available.
Yoram, I never found how to make them appear thicker. I did manage to make some physical tabs wider, by joining 2 tabs side-by-side before generating the PhlatCode, then I edited the g-code text file to remove the up&down moves between the 2 tabs. Is that what you were asking?
By thicker I mean a thicker line in SU so that I can see if or where I made tabs. Sometime I have to zoom in a lot just to see if I tabbed a part or not.
Ahhh Yoram, that's what I wanted to find also. I never got an answer to that issue, and I wasn't able to divine the answer from my limited programming / hacking skills, either. Maybe Glenn or Pete will read these posts and take pity on poor earthlings like myself, and drop an answer on us.
Re: Thicker lines, if you go to the View>Edge Styles dropdown menu in SU and select 'Profiles' then this will make the tabs easier to see. This makes all the edges appear thicker which isn't ideal, but I find it useful to get a quick overview of my tabs. Si.
Hi, does anyone have this all up up and running on a Mac (10.5.6), (MrDubs???) I can get the toolbars on screen but nothing works, I know with some of my other (PC) .rbs I had to split the folders between AppSuport and User SU plugin locations. I guess if I knew how to read ruby I could look thru to see why and compare. However if someone has it working can they post the relevant file locations for the Mac? As an aside, anyone tried running it with ReplicatorG in simulation mode? I'm looking at using it with a (not yet built) multi-tool RepRap machine john
I think earlier versions of the script worked on linux/mac better. now it is relying more heavily on internet explorer for the settings, and I had to revert to using a windows machine again :-(
thanks for the info JBourdon, I'll have a look at the code and see if it's do-able,I'd rather miss out than use a PC, call me old fashioned or just old....
hmm maybe I should leave some of the older versions of the Phlatscript up so that you guys can still use it on your end? Mark
thanks Mark to be honest, I have a dedicated winXP laptop I use almost exclusively for the Phlatty/sketchup Having the latest/greatest version of the script is more important to me. Having said that, if in the future, it could me more compatible wine linux, that would be fab!
Now that is something you will have to ask the programmers about. Which you just did Thanks JBourdon Mark
To the guys looking for linux support, what distro and version are you using and what version of sketchup? It would also be helpful to know which version of wine.
I'm using Ubuntu, version 9.04, (the latest, I think Ubuntu is a Debian build) and the latest version of Wine (I think it's 1.21) to run the latest version of Sketchup 7. All works well except the html generated options menu. ****EDIT I WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE YOUR BETA TESTOR!
A few observation about the PhlatscripT. 1. When you use the center line tool from the button menu it works differently than when you call it form the content drop-down menu. It works better, but at a slower process, from the content menu. From the button menu it selects more lines than the one you click on. 2. When you select a PhlatscripT edge, right click it and select 'Phlat Edge' and then 'Clear Selected Edges' it doesn't erase the selected Phlat edge but only turns it into a black line. It's a pain to go after that and erase the line, especially if it is an arc which has a lot of segments. Might as well erase the Phlat edge without going though the bother of the 'Clear Selected Edges' 3. The Tab-tool is very finicky. It is very hard to get it to tab, even on a strait line. Sometimes I have to zoom really close to get it to recognize an edge and then, when I zoom-all, I can't see it any more or if the part is a smaller part, very feignedly (did I just invent a new word or is it just misspelled?).
Can we get a consensus on this one? I tend to agree that it should delete the entire loop, not just remove the in/outside cut formatting. If it is changed then the fold and centerline would continue to function as they do now, just remove the formatting (coloring). I am tracking this as a ticket too.
I use slackware so I'm going to start there. I'm compiling the latest wine now. I'll let you know if I need something tested.
I see no point in leaving the phlatedge outline. (Does anyone else?) Delete the entire loop, and clear the fold lines. And why keep the other option? I must be missing something, might be more useful as a clear tabs option, but it's just as easy to clear all and re-apply the inside or outside cut, unless you had a very complex part with lots of holes... -I will be more then happy to provide any beta testing needed. It should also be noted that the options menu is apparently an "issue" with MAC users as well. see: viewtopic.php?f=98&t=2&start=50#p6484 I really do hate pointing out "issues" with this code, as it really does exceed all of my expectations as is. Edit: (looks like my Wine updated on the 22nd, version 1.1.22 now)
Ok it seems with the latest version of wine, which I didn't know I had until today, Sketchup crashes when I click on the options button. I will try and update sketchup next, to be sure I have the latest version as well. -EDIT: Seems I have the latest, version 7.0.10247
Its a toss-up. If, for example, you have the elevator and the stab connected and you make the outside line on both of them you get a three lines, The two Phlatedge and the center line. To erase the two Phlatedge lines I would like to highlight them and have them erased but not the whole loop. It's easy when it's a strait line but when it is a segmented line it's a pain.
I agree. I worded my post wrong earlier. I want to use a common function in both situations but want it to function like the right click menu.
To fix the empty parameters dialog on linux it has to be moved to a Sketchup input dialog vs the SU webdialog. The gecko window under wine that Sketchup shows for the 'webdialog' call doesn't respond to the skp protocol so there is no opportunity for bidirectional communication. I think this is a deficiency in gecko and the javascript engine. It has nothing to do with a bug in phlatscript. I don't know if this is going to be a problem for windows folks but it is really just a cosmetic change. I think this change should be made but it could also be an option in the constants.rb file. What do you guys think? The look would change from this: to this: tvcasualty, a.k.a beta tester, I am sending you a PM now. Attached files