Check it out Frank, Personally I think the few dollars more is well worth the quick service and more reasonable service. ALSO, I have not had to do it, but you can call HobbyPartz it you need assistance.They have really good deals on LiPo batteries! Chuck
Guys! thanks for taking the time to build my little plane It' so rewarding watching a design that started out in my head and turned into sketch could be turned into a real flying plane I went back and looked at my little log book and I have now built over 100 planes for myself and other in the last 5 years! Crazy! but it's in my blood. If you have seen my new video this plane is perfect for EPP also I want to make a dual Aileron Servo version next. Thanks again Robert V
Robert, Wondering if you could post the SU file for the Epp version. Looks like another one I have to build. Thanks Ray
Hey Chuck I checked out the site in more detail and yes the pricing is fairly comparable . I am replacing quite a few of my older lipos and am keeping an eye out for when they will be back in stock there.
Good deal Frank. Yeah...the "out of stock" situation goes on everywhere. You will be pleased with their products and services. Chuck
Lol, I finally got around to my maiden today, It flew straight out of my hands and needed one click of left aileron trim and it flew perfectly. Mine is quite heavy at 12.5 ounces but that is due to the heavy hobbycity motor and esc along with the 1320 3s that I flew it with. A blue monster motor from Lazertoyz would save tons-o-weight but I made due with what I have.
Congrats Jeff! I maidened my blue GeeBee earlier this evening. Just like the previous models I built it flies like it is on rails. Very solid flyer. This is a great addition to your hanger, a plane you can toss in the car and KNOW it will fly! I also have more power than I need but I prefer that position. I can fly a long, long time with 1000 mAh with plenty of speed at 1/2 throttle. Everyone likes the SDGEEBEE and the way it performs. Any photos? Chuck
Heehee, I was flying this on Friday evening and really had it cranked to maximum speed, Did a stall turn to bring it back straight down the runway and pulled it up from it's dive and the wings fluttered................alot. Cutting a second one out with a second CF rod in the main wing to make it more rigid. Plane fluttered but still came out of the dive ok, it was the wings fluttering, not the control surfaces. After our club meeting people took turns wanting to fly this thing, everyone loves it. Really nice plans Robert
Ver II of the EPP SDGEEBEE Hey everyone thanks for all your kind words and input with the GEE BEE, Im in works with a major online company to offer kits of the new Version II Gee Bee. Kits will all be CNC laser cut Sorry No plans for this version well be posted! this plane and my EPPP51 have been a great hit at many clubs where I have shown them off and as a result Kits are coming soon. Kits will be $27.00 for basic Foam and carbon Setup Members of the phlat forum will get a special discount rate if you would like to order stay tuned for more info and video coming later today. Here is also a sneak Peek at the new plane. Attached files