For a dollar.... I will keep it in mind this weekend. It wouldn't be too much work with the current code.
This is too cool Tim nice job! For me it's great because all of my exported gcode goes over the network to the Phlatprinters computer, and then I have to open the code from Mach once I get there. This is way easier and it will be great for screen cast too so that people can see the output code.. Thank you for sharing this Mark
I love this program would it be hard to make it able to zoom in and out or a sizeable window? Cheers E-t
Thanks guys. I do plan to add editing of code (with refresh) and control of the window with the mouse. I really am trying to fix that old overlapping offset cut bug in the PhlatscripT first.
You know what would be cool is if you could keep this window open to the side while you work on coding your parts in Sketchup it updates in real time! Or is that what you mean by the refresh? Mark
I meant the refresh that TigerPilot wanted. The ability to edit the gcode in the plugin and then click refresh to display the results. The realtime update would be a bit more work because you would have to force the gcode to be generated every time you made a cut with the script. That could seriously slow down your work.
I noticed that other people are having problems in 64 bit windows due to the path in GPlot.rb. If someone can PM me the modified rb file they are using with 64 bit windows I will make it a little more intelligent and check all the appropriate folders for the dll.
Tim, do you ever sleep? I love the plugin. Anyway I can edit the "rb" file to make the plot lines green? I can't see the red very well, or does that have to be done in the dll file?
I do sleep, that's why I keep my day job There is no way to change the color of the lines right now since all the work is done in the dll. I'll see what I can do this evening to add a color selection option and work on the rotation with the mouse.
I uploaded a new version that is an executable instead of a dll. You can use it as a standalone program and continue to use it from the plugins menu in SU. Download 1.2 from the first post in this thread. The new version lets you pan with the left mouse button, zoom with a scroll wheel, and rotate by holding the middle button. I still have to do some work on these features for people without a scroll wheel. It is a little weird when rotating since it is around the origin and not the middle of the screen but this is my first 3D application and still learning. You can change the colors of the cut lines by setting them in the Settings | Colors dialog. If you lose track of the drawing in the window just use the Settings | Reset menu and it will bring it back to where you started. I added a shortcut to GPlot.exe in my Send To folder (cocument and Settings<user>Send To) and can right click any gcode file and use the Send To submenu to open it.
Very nice Tim, I've just tried it out and it seems to work perfectly to me. Thanks again for giving us these new 'toys', Google will be headhunting you soon for their dev team Si.
Wow Tim! You outdid yourself on this 1.2 version. It way surpasses the last version. I like how it can be a stand alone program too. I like this better than the NCplot program I was using. It feels very similar to the viewer within Mach. Great job!
Great job Tim! Very compact and perfect for checking your output code, saves a lot of time from having to start up Mach just to have a look. Thnks for the ability to change colors, that was the icing on the cake. You da man!
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments. I didn't intend to make it this functional but it's been fun learning OpenGL and I kind of got hooked. I'm going to add the ability to edit the G code on the left side and reflect the changes in the drawing for the next version.
I have my system on the d:/ drive. It was selected by Widows when I installed it and not by me. The new program doesn't work for me. Neither free standing nor in SU. When I run it I get an error message: 'access violation at address 1070DE1A in module s3gIGPgl.dll read of address 00000068.'. When I click 'OK' in stand alone I get another error message 'need number in row 8'. In SU I don't get this message. In either case the program is gone from the screen but not from the system. It slows the system down to a crawl and I have to go to Widows Task Manager to close it and free the system. If I click on the .exe file again, before removing it from the Task Manager, I have two instances of the program running in the Task Manager.
Tim, I don't have a "Send To" folder here --> (cocument and Settings<user>Send To) which is (cocument and SettingsTylerSend To) nor do I have one here --> (cocument and SettingsAll UsersSend To). Do I need to create a "Send To" folder or might it reside in a different directory? Win XP Pro
TigerPilot, I've been searching around and the only suggestion I see is to make sure your video driver is updated. I am going to look over all the changes I made and see if I can find the culprit. Unfortunately I don't have a machine with VIA S3 graphics for testing. In the meantime I left the original download in the first post. 7up, I always forget that the Send To folder is hidden by default. You can turn on hidden files and folders by opening Windows Explorer (file browser) and selecting Tools | Folder Options. Check "Show Hidden Files and Folders" on the View tab and click OK. The folder will now be visible and you can create the shortcut. It is OK to change the setting back after you have made the shortcut.