These should get you going... I'll be doing some more soon.... Don't forget to read the help too, plenty of useful info in there.
Well, I've gotta tell ya that I'm really pleased with what I'm seeing this time around! Have there been any updates to SUcam in the past weeks?
some updates in the wings, but nothing has been released recently. I am busy writing help for the new stuff, and making videos to go with it, and then will release. maybe it is just that you know more now and are doing the right things? (-:
No question I know a heck of a lot more about cnc operations in general now! It sure is a lot easier for me to draw something in SketchUp, since I'm really familiar with it, than trying to learn something else. My next learning experience is creating something in 3D!?!?!
There is an error in the drawing, only one overlapping of colors on the edge that only affects the display. If you want to correct this aesthetic problems just delete the desired color. EX. delete 001: results:
@marcomartim: I made the change you showed and the detail shows in my drawing now when I have SUCam loaded. I also found another color that was being affected and switched it. Thanks for the insight!!!