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Toledo Show 2010

Discussion in 'Up and Coming Events' started by theothers, Mar 13, 2010.

  1. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Thanks Chris. Congratulations on the new baby! We hope to see you there but will certainly understand it you can't make it this year.
  2. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Richland, MI
    Sheesh. One time. It was only one time! I was late and... ;)
  3. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
  4. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Richland, MI
    Right now I have 9 confirmed and a couple maybe's. I am going to make a reservation tomorrow for 10 unless I hear from anyone else. I'll bet that they will accommodate a few more if needed.

  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Tim - Did you forget to count M&T and yourself? ;)
  6. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Richland, MI
    Wish I had Dennis. I figure that a few more will probably joins us though. If you are planning on coming and don't see your name on the list, please let me know.

    Here is the list I have for right now.

    xtremeRCpilot 0
    tvcasualty 2
    Crash 1
    rjarois 0
    Klondar 0
    Jnida63 0
    rcav8r maybe
    foamlvr 1 maybe 3
    Dorsal 1
    navionflyer 2
    kram242 2


  7. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Richland, MI
    OK. I talked to Tony Packo's and they do not take reservations on game night. The Mud Hens play at 6pm on Saturday. They will not seat the group until the whole group is there, but they did tell me that the closer to 6pm we get there, the sooner we will get seated since most people there around that time will be attending the game. We could try for another restaurant or just go to the ETOC a little later than planned.

  8. tvcasualty

    tvcasualty New Member

    Trophy Points:
    There is another larger Packo's across the river, not too far if that's what we've all agreed on...
    They may take reservations.
  9. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Yea, that's what I was thinking as that's the one we usually stop at as we take 280 out of town.
  10. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Richland, MI
    Thanks for the heads up guys. I have a reservation for 10-15 people at 5:00 under Phlatboyz at:
    Tony Packo's - Front Street Restaurant
    1902 Front Street
    Toledo, OH 43605

    Looks like its not too far away, buy we will need to drive there I think.

  11. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    A on the map is the one I was speaking of....is this the one where the reservation is?

    Attached files [​IMG]
  12. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Richland, MI
    That's the one.


  13. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    :shock: Alright guyz. We are almost all packed :shock: We have decided to forgo the hour or two sleep that we would be able to get and just hit the road. Here are a few pictures of the Phlat Mobile packed and ready to go :)

    Attached files [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  14. rjarois

    rjarois Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    royal oak, michigan
    mark, Trish, mike "crash" eric "tv casulity" and his wife Laura, and myself rolled into Toledo this afternoon....we got busy gettin the phlatboyz booth ready for the show to open on Friday at 9:00am...i really didn't help to much as i was to busy drooling over mark and Trish's phlatformer...man oh man what a beauty....seeing in person is completely different, man this thing is a sweet engineering marvel...the first fella that walked by and seen it, bought one immediately.....Trish and Laura made some very lovely hand out "phlatbags" with a chuck glider, and a coffee mug....such a generous thing to do....i get the feeling the phlatformer is gonna be a big hit among the r/c modelers. mark, trish, way to go...randy.
  15. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Great pics Randy and thank you for your compliments and all of your help. We couldn't do this without you guyz. It all came together perfectly. Wait til you see the booth guyz. It looks awesome!!
  16. rjarois

    rjarois Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    royal oak, michigan
    the show opened very strong....then faded at around 2:00. it was kinda weird to me, that fellas seemed to have ther wallets velcroed to ther behind....the signs of the poor economy were self evident, well at least in my opinion...i sincerely hope im very wrong...mark, Trish and i meet up at around 8:15am to get the finishing touch on ther phlatbooth...i am sorry to report i didn't get very many photos to share...this is the phlatbooth about ten minutes before the door opens @ 9:00am.....and in my opinion, this is the model of the show, that's if i was the judge, lols...peace, randy.
  17. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Great pics Randy!! Thank you so much for all of you help. You are awesome!!
  18. rcav8r

    rcav8r Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    GREAT PICS.... Can't wait to get there tomorrow and I'll have a Pronto to add to the booth :)
  19. tvcasualty

    tvcasualty New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Nice Randy!!! Thanks for all the pics!! Great shots of that insanely cool A-10 "Tank Killer"
  20. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Hey guyz. Well, it was a great show!! We are all loaded up and getting ready to hit the road. We are going to make a pit stop at Applebees and have dinner with Dorsal, tvcasualty and Lauren (tv's wife). We'll check back in as soon as we can!

    Mark and Trish
  21. xtremeRCpilot

    xtremeRCpilot Member

    Trophy Points:
    Cleveland, Ohio
    It was a good time, Im glad I had a chance to hang with you guys for a few!! Hope you sold some Phlattys!! I saw a few folks with fire in there eyes !!! Talk to you soon!! :D

  22. navionflyer

    navionflyer New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Richland, MI
    Had an awesome time at the show. Lots of cool stuff to look at and great people to talk to.

    Just want to say thanks to Mark and Trish, Crash, Dorsal, tvcasualty (and wife), and foamlvr for a great time at dinner last night. Anyone that couldn't make this year, should really try to make it out next year.

    If you haven't seen it, here is a pic of the group. http://twitpic.com/1eo7iq that Crash took. That's Dorsal's arm in the lower left corner. :)

    Here is the one picture I took. Thought the slogan at the bottom was pretty funny.

    Tim Attached files [​IMG] [​IMG]
  23. theothers

    theothers Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    We had such a great time at the Toledo Show and have all of you to thank you for your support!

    We want to thank Mike (Crash) for flying in, helping us pack kits to bring to the show, pack the van, drive all night to get there, set up, man the booth and give us a break, supply our internet connection while we were there, bringing and giving us two awesome planes, and making us laugh all the way home. Your help is invaluable to us and we sincerely thank you! You truly are a great friend. Without you, this would not have been possible. You and your family are awesome people who always put others before themselves and that is truly living up to the golden rule. We learned so much about you and had the chance to share so many of life's stories with each other. It really brought the friendship home. Mike, we truly love you like a brother. You have always supported us and been there for us. Thank you so much! All that you sacrificed for us this year, words could never capture our appreciation.


    Thank you Glen (Evil-Tunes) for staying and helping us the night before we left until 2:30 am even though you had to work the next day. Everyone loved the foam walker and without you, it would not have even made it into the van. When we got home from picking Mike up from the airport, Glen had put a big sign on our door that said Toledo Show or Bust. We put that in our back window for the entire trip. You really helped us start the show off great and we only wish you could have been there with us for the whole show. You would have had a blast! Thank you brother. You will never know how much this means to us. You are a true friend.

    Thank you Randy (rjarois) for all of your help! Randy was there to help us set up on Thursday and his timing could not have been more perfect. This year, we placed an easy pop up tent on tables without the tent (just the structure) to allow us to display all of the awesome planes (this was Crash's idea and it was a great one). Randy went over to the tool man's booth and got some C clamps to help the tent stay on the tables and let us tell you, when we were breaking down the booth, we removed the C clamps and as soon as we did, the tent instantly fell off of one of the tables. Great idea Randy. Thank you. Randy also manned the booth for most of the day on Friday. He spent a lot of his day talking about the Phlatformer which was awesome because it's impossible to be in two places at once. It really helped to have Randy there talking to everyone about it and allowing us to demonstrate the Phlatprinter and hand out flyers. Now, onto the really good stuff (lol). Randy built Trish an AWESOME trainer plane. You guyz have all seen the pics but they do not do it justice. Randy is an awesome builder and this plane is no exception. We placed it front and center in the booth and were able to refer to it throughout the show to demonstrate the foam airfoil ribs that you could see through the awesome lime green covering. This plane is top notch professional and we can not wait to get out there and fly it. He also risked the Tri-Copter and brought that into the booth. Unfortunately, we were unable to display it properly but we can not thank you enough for bringing it. It's always a great time with Randy and we thank you so much for your time, your help, your support, and your friendship. You are a great soul and a friend that would truly do anything to help others.

    Thank you Erik (tvcasualty) and Lauren (Mrs. tvcasualty) for allowing us to take most of your time this weekend. They were there when we were setting up the booth and Erik supplied us with his awesome planes to display in our booth. Everyone loved them! Lauren was there to help any way she could and she helped us pack the Phlatboyz gift bags which were a great hit! She made them look awesome! They were willing to help any way they could the entire weekend even though they had some personal family things they were dealing with as well. Erik was there any chance he got to help talk about the Phlatprinter and EMC2 which was awesome!Your help and your friendship means a lot to Trish and me and we can not thank you enough. Our only regret is that Lauren never had a chance to fly the Vapor. Unfortunately, I now know what it's like to not want to share a plane once you finally get a chance to fly, lol. You guyz are truly great friends and we feel like it's always been meant to be. We feel like we have known you forever and feel so at home around you. Each time, you welcome us with unconditional help and support. We can not thank you guyz enough and we believe our relationship will grow into a lifelong friendship.


    Thank you Dennis (Dorsal) for flying out all the way from California to be a part of it all. Dorsal helped watch the booth so we could see some of the show and take lunch breaks. He was always at the booth talking to people and answering people's questions. He also helped us break down the booth and load the van which is no small task. Not only was he an awesome help to us but he is also a great guy to hang out with. He brought a kite plane to fly at the indoor and had a lot of fun discovering where all of the walls were located in the gym :) In his defense, this was his first indoor flyin and we all found the same walls many times. Hopefully, soon we will be replacing the material on our vapor wings with some of his really cool light weight kite material. Dennis, you made the Toledo Show a lot of fun and we are so glad we had a chance to meet you and get to know you better. You are an awesome person and your wisdom is invaluable. We feel that this was a great foundation for our friendship to continue to grow. Thank you so much for everything!

    Thank you Tim (navionflyer) for organizing the Phlatboyz dinner. Without you, it never would have happened. Tim made reservations at Tony Packos which is a famous hot dog place in Toledo. We had a great time hanging out and never would have had a chance to do so without your help with this. It was great having a chance to spend some time with you and to meet you and your friend Brian. I know we could have sat and talk for hours on end. It's a shame how time flies at that show. It was really above and beyond for you to organize that dinner and we had a great time. Thank you so much. The only downside was maybe chili dogs weren't the best idea when you are trapped in a 10X10 booth, lol. Just kidding, they were awesome! Looking forward to your frog design. Hopefully, you get the go ahead. If you work on the Atom, please let us know how it goes.

    Thank you Jeff (foamlvr) for all of your help and support throughout the Toledo Show. We had a really great time flying with you and let us tell you guyz, this guy is an amazing pilot. He showed up with 3 planes and because of us, left with 1, lol. No, seriously, Jeff is an amazing pilot and went out of his way to help me set up the Phlatboyz Phlat Sentinal that John (xtremeRCpilot) made so we could get it in the air. It was a lot of fun to finally get a chance to fly with all of the Phlatboyz and girlz. Jeff also hung out with us and the Phlat dinner that Tim put on. Jeff, we have not forgotten, we owe you some 3mm depron. We are really sorry brother :) That was a lot of fun and hopefully, we'll be able to do it again soon. You need to teach us some of those skillz and remind me never to reverse channel 1 throttle while setting up the plane, lol.

    Thank you John (xtremeRCpilot) for stopping by the Phlat Booth on several occasions and fielding questions to the guyz there. It was great to get to see you again. We know that you were super busy and we appreciate it more than you know that you took the time to come hang out with us. Guyz, the Phlat Sentinal is so cool in real life, you can not imagine. I was really proud walking past the ETOC flyers and seeing them all staring at this awesome pattern plane. Little did they know, I had no idea how to fly it but at least, for a small moment, they may have considered me a pattern pilot, lol. John, you are one of the greatest people we have ever met. If anyone's going to heaven, you are, if we could just hold onto your feet on your way up we would be doing well. We got some video of the Sentinal and we will try to post as soon as possible but Mark doesn't think he did very well but according to some of the older guys there it wasn't half bad for only flying alerons only one other time ever. Mark actually did a couple of rolls! One thing that is so different about this plane is that you really have to fly it slow. It just floats around. It's amazing to us. We have never had a plane this light. You rock brother and your design and painting skills are unmatched. We would like to thank you and your family for all of your support.

    This brings us right to Dan and Diane from Lazertoyz. You guyz are awesome people. Trish and I feel that Dan and Diane have taken us under their wing. We think we must remind them of themselves when they first started doing shows. These guyz have it down to a science. They are the most generous and kind hearted people you will ever meet. They always go out of their way to help us and to ensure that they visit our booth. It's so nice to know that we have friends like them there that know the ropes of the shows and and are willing to share that wisdom with us. They donated all of the electronics for the Phlat Sentinal so we could have an awesome plane up and running at the show. The fact that John stuffed the electronics saved us so much time, you would not believe it. Things get so crazy there, you don't have time to stop for an instant. Dan and Diane always keep their cool throughout the entire show and everything they do seems to run so smoothly and they are never stressed out. We have got to learn their secrets. You guyz are the best. Thank you so much, once again!

    Thank you Dave (rcav8r). It was great to see you again and let us tell you, the Pronto was a HUGE success. People could not believe you could cut out balsa kits on the MK II and it was so nice to be able to show them a complete kit already cut and assembled. Dave really worked hard to get this kit ready for the show and did not have a lot of free time to accomplish this. So, we're sure he lost some sleep to make sure that we had his awesome plane in our booth. It really helped and we really appreciate it! Dave, you rock! Thanks brother. Awesome seeing you again and we look forward to next year.

    Thank you to all of the Phlat Club members who had a chance to swing by the booth. Thank you for wearing your Phlatboyz t-shirts to the show and helping us promote the Phlatprinter. It's awesome to get to see everyone. We were able to hang out with Klondar, jnida, nunny, flyn_brian, and mr.bubbs. If we are missing anyone, please let us apologize. The show goes so fast and you meet and talk to so many people that it's impossible to remember everything if you don't write it down.

    Thank you to everyone who stopped by the booth to check out the Phlatboyz machines. Thank you to everyone who purchased a Phlatprinter or a Phlatformer at the Toledo Show. If you did not become a Phlat Club member this weekend, we hope to have you on board soon.

    Thank you to our family and your families who sacrificed time with us all to allow us to get ready and to attend the show. Your understanding means a lot to us.

    Thank you RCRN (RC Radio Network) for all of your support and for the awesome Phlatboyz interview the Mike (Crash) did with them. Larry of RCRN is a Phlat Club Member! What a great guy. These guyz went out of their way to really make us feel at home and we can't thank them enough for this. We really hope to see them at SEFF. If not this year, next. They have a top notch show and are planning to have us on in a couple of weeks or when our schedules allow and we are looking forward to it. Thank you Cliff Whitney and the rest of your crew!


    Thank you Weak Signals for putting on another awesome show! They are first class!


    And finally, thank you Debbie (d.adeline) for the awesome chocolate chip sour cream cake that we came home to with a big Welcome Home Phlatboyz (n' girlz) sign. It really made coming home awesome! You are always there for us and willing to lend a hand any way you can and we appreciate it more than you could know.

    Well, as you can see, while we went to the Toledo Show, we certainly did not do it alone. As we said earlier, if we have left anything or anyone out, it is not intentional. We really do appreciate everything that all of you do to help us. We couldn't do this without all of you guyz! God bless you all! Attached files [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] 41.JPG" class="gc-images" title="DSC00441.JPG" style="max-width:300px" /> [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  24. xtremeRCpilot

    xtremeRCpilot Member

    Trophy Points:
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Mark and Trish, first off, I Love you guyz!!!! I do not know how, after this long weekend, you had the chance to write all these thank you's LOL :D You two are amazing and really the best Friends anyone could ask for, I am sorry I couldnt hang out with you longer, but was grateful for the time we had!! We all need to Thank you for being Beautiful people and bringing so much fun to the hobby with your Fantastic products!! I hope some day in the near future we can have a weekend together and do some cooking out and make more memories together! I am so glad Mark had a chance to fly the PhlatPlane !! I cant wait to see video and I know you will be a Pattern pro quickly, with your OCD and all :D trust me I am the same way :lol:
    I had a great time and was glad to be home late Saturday, because my Kids were missing me as I dont get out that often!!! Thank you for all the kind words and Bless you for always bringing a smile to everyone around you!!! :p
    Take care!
  25. foamlvr

    foamlvr Member

    Trophy Points:
    northwest Ohio
    Mark and Trish

    You guys made my month. As soon as I got to the Phlat booth you drew me in, like a member of the family. The little bit of help I gave, was nothing compared to you helping make my dreams come true. Thank you for the dinner, fun, and friendship. Mark the plane in the rafters took far more damage from all the times I hit it with my shoes, than the one little prop strike you left. Every time I see that little ding, I'm reminded of the great time I had meeting you, and the ding on the Illusion is so small that I prolly won't even fix it

    It was great meeting Mike (crash), Dennis (dorsal), Erik (tvcasualty) and Lauren, Tim (navionflyer) and Dave (rcav8r).

    Thanks all for the great time.


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