Mark and Trish, you two are the most AMAZING people! I am honored, as well as blessed, to be able to call you two my friends. Actually, it goes a bit beyond "friends". I feel like we're family, actually. Words cannot describe the fun that I had doing the show with you guys this year. You were both so kind as well as accommodating. I am really an odd duck and the fact that you two were able to contend with me over this long stretch of time really says a lot about you! LOL I feel that this year's booth was head and shoulders above what we presented to the world last year (so much was learned from that first showing). With the cool products that you guys are giving us, and the superb level of customer service you provide, there can be nothing but great success to be seen in the future from this endeavor. I can hardly wait to see what cool products are on the horizon!!! Thanks so much for tolerating all of my idiosyncrasies and allowing me to play a small role in this project. As I've told you before, my work on this really gives me great satisfaction in using the skills I've amassed in my professional career and is fulfilling a little void that I've found in my life since retiring from my profession. This has given me so much! It was so awesome to meet up with the PhlatClub members that were able to make it! Everyone is so COOL! It is such a shame that so many miles separate us and that we cannot get together as much as I'd like us to. Thank God we have this forum to share ideas and stay in touch - the internet does a wonderful job of shortening the great distances that we're actually apart from one another. I am so looking forward to meeting everyone again!!! I can hardly wait until the next time we get the opportunity to hook up again!
Sheeesh, this sounds like a love-in, but it's all true! I really had a great time at the Toledo show, meeting, chatting, laughing and dining with all of you. I was definitely the "fifth wheel" around the PhlatBooth, but M&T made me feel comfortable and welcome anyway. Really, anything I would add would just be a repeat of what's already been said - I had a great time and look forward to doing it again! And, I promise to get a little practice flying in BEFORE the indoor fly next year, so I don't scare the onlookers quite so badly. Hugs and handshakes all around!
Yea that was a little too warm a fuzzy for comfort But seriously, it was GREAT to meet everyone there (some new this year, and some from last) Although I am not a salesman by any stretch it was VERY easy to help pitch the Phlatstuff for the short times I filled in. Certainly wasn't at Crash's standards though It's not enough that Mark and Trish have such great products, but their support and enthusiasm are even better. Sorry I had to miss dinner, but it was a really long day for my buddy who I came with. Unfortunately age is catching up with him, and he can't stay all day at the show like we used to, and then go for more afterwords. We already discussed it for next year. He'll go with his wife, and I'll go alone so I can stay all day at the show and afterwords, and hopefully get some indoor flying in.