Ah that clears up some things, I was looking at the original build thread. Well now I have a new 39 page thread to read. Guess it will be a while before I start. I like to read all I can so when I start I have most of it in my head. Thanks Erik
I have read the entire post over at RCG, I am still slightly confused over which parts to use, the alternate formers or the formers located within the rest of the parts. Also I would like to build it just a bit bigger, about 60", do you think I can just scale up the parts and fix any thickness related issues? such as slot widths and such. Thanks for all your help and don't worry over missing posts. You respond plenty quick enough.
FFF comes in all sorts of thicknesses. The original former set used a 3/16" offset. On the second model I made, I found my foam to be much thinner then the original batch I had, ...therefor the offset had to be smaller, and I shrunk it to a 1/8" offset. If the formers fit too loose, the offset need to be smaller, making the formers bigger. Formers would be a perfect candidate for dynamic components. Too bad pro is $500! To enlarge the size of the model, it should be no problem. First grow the formers back to the origianl size, then scale the model to the size you want. The adjust the slots cut for the tail section and you should be perfect. Does that clear things up?